Hay Friends Of Bitter, Bitter Coffee Park this Time will invite you in the stile of the chat coffe shops on:
The bulk of the Indonesian island’s trade
This city was born on pepper, raised on tin, grew rich on oil. By tradition and old oriental trading center, Palembang was one of the principal ports of the world, a central point for the bulk of the Indonesian island’s trade. In the first quarter of the 7th century here was the first tangible signs in the whole archipelago of the arrival of Mahayana Buddhism. Much of the city is built on piles over the water and tidal mudflats. Floating houses are moored along the bank with the river traders paddling about, shops line the waterfront like a shopping and promenade street. This area is known forest products, oil wells, tin mines, rubber and coffee plantations.
A Javanese history, tells about Prabu Anglingdarma of Malawapati celebrating the marriage of his grandson Raden Gandakusuma to Dyah Sutiksnawati, and ended with Resi santanumurti being permitted by King Anglingdarma to return home after the 40th feast-day Gandakusuma’s marriage.
A Javanese history of the Pengging dynasty, tells about the battle between Raden Putra and the giant Ditya Kalamardanu, until the marriage proposal conveyed by Patih Sukarta, the courier of king Pancaddriya of Pengging on behalf of the king’s sons, Raden Srawa and Raden Sucitra, for the daughters of Resi Pancadnyana, Dewi Sasma and Dewi Sumi, while Dewi Soma, the third daughter left the village before the arrival of the courier, ended with Raden Daryadhara accompanied by Brahmana Respati and Sang Dhatunirmala departing for the country Tabela Retna.
Another book of Pancaddriya tells about the story of Prabu Napsu Pancaddriya, from the work of Imam Nawawi, including disguised Islamic teachings, and tells about a description of totalitarian authority, continued with a description of earthquakes and eclipses in Pancaddriya, and a Javanese history about Patih Budiyah informing the king that Raden Iman of Sanubari village refused to surrender to Prabu Napsu, and ends with the king’s surrender to Raden Iman who was crowned Prabu Bawansuci, king of Pancaddriya.
Pancaddriya Kintaka Maharana
A history about the appointment of Gajah Sena by prabu Jayapurusa with the title Harya Mahudara (Gajah Erata, Prince Erayana) after the former’s surrender to Jayapurusa, and ended with Bagawan Grendana telling his four sons-in-law (R. Puntadewa, Raden Dewana, Raden Tambaya, Raden Citradarma) to help king Sudarsana from Mandhendha and King Somahita from Purwangga, who had left their countries to kill the crown prince of Pengging.
The four sons of king Sudarsana visiting the ascetic Grendana to propose his four daughters, ended with the visit of the overseas king Prabu Ekapati to king Angligndriya, during which he made known his ancestry as descendant of the king Witaradya, King Sudarsana from Yawastina.
Pancaddriya Purwaka
A Javanese history tells about the governance of Prabu Pancaddriya of Pengging from 1031 to 1058, and ended with Prabu Endrasurata and his wife preparing to ommolate themselves on a funeral pyre in despair at the disappearance of their daughter Dewi Aganasari.
Panca Sila
Indonsia’s Coat of Arms. The ‘Five Principles’ put forth by the state as a foundation of political and social rule, comparable to USA’s Bill of Rights and England’s Magna Carta. The five Princilpes are 1). Belirf in God. The mass support of this principle made the killing of the million ‘atheis’ communists much easier. The symbol is the star. 2). Nationalism: Symbolized by the head of a wild buffalo. All ethnic groups must unite and prosper. 3). Indonesian democracy. Distinct from western-based democracy. Takes place on the village level to promote mutual help, discussion, agreement, Citizens must believe that Indonesia is democracy. The symbol is the banyan tree. 4). Humanitarianism, the unbroken unity of mankind. Indonesia takes its place among the family of nations. Its symbol is the chain. 5). A just and prosperous society that will give adequate supplies of food and clothing for all, the basic requirements of social justice. Represented by sprays of rice and cotton. The Panca Sila is a synthesis of all the main intellectual movements of the modern world, another expression of the famous blending of philosophic and religious ideologies which have been operating in Indonesia Formasi yang Dibutuhkan thousand of years. Rather than to actually promote the unity of the Indonesian people, different political groups have always intepreted these 5 principles to serve their own purposes. The Panca Sila has to be defined over and over again.
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