Flowers Regards Angel Pakem

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Flowers Regards Angel Pakem
Pakem Balungan Lampahan ringgit Purwa
Brief descriptions of 36 wayang lakon: Respati, Bambang Radite, Watugunung, Angruna-angruni, Resi Nagatalmala, Sri Sadana, Bremana-bremani, Bambang Parikenan, Lahiripun Bambang Sakri, Lahiripun Palasara, Bambang Palasara Rabi, Dewabrata, Lahiripun Pandhu, Narasoma, Basudewa Rabi, Prabu Garawangsa, Bima Bungkus, Bambang Sucitra, Mikradipun Pandhu, Bambang Kumbayana, Bale Sigala-gala, Jagal Abilawa, Pandhawa Babad, Kangsa Adu-adu, Semar Ambarang Jantur, Palasara Rabi, Kresna Maling, Suyudana Rabi, Sayembara Gandamana, Sayembara Setyaki, Kresna Kembang, Supala Supali, Parta Krama, Pandhawa Dulit, Peksi Dewata.

Pakem Antara
Collections of wayang gedhog lakon: Jakapramana, Jayalengkara Krama, Lembu Subrata Krama, Kala Surya Muksa, Lembu Subrata Sumawita, Sri Getayu, Tejalengkara Muksa, Alapan Ragil Pregiwangsa, Jayengraga ing Jenggala, Bedhol Tunggulwulung, Alapan Tejaswara, Lahiripun Panji Kasatriyan, Panji Cangkrama, Kuda Rerangin, Alapan Dyah Angreni, Ngreni Lena (Alapan Andayaprana), Alapan Citrasari, Alapan Candrakirana, Candrakirana Carem, Brajanata Duta, Ngrenaswara Nungsakancana, Panji Tiron (Kembar), Panji Jumeneng Nata, Bedhah Ternite.

Pakem Lampahan Abiyasa
A lakon in wayang story tells about Prabu Sentanu granting the throne of Ngastina to Asthabrata despite Batara Guru’s command to grant it to Abiyasa, and ended with Batara Guru giving Abiyasa the tirta Kama (water of fertility) to enable him to beget descendants who would rule as the kings of Java.

Pakem Lampahan Makutarama
The guide for the wayang kulit lakon Makutharama tells about Drona informing Suyudana about the Wahyu Kraton Makutharama (divine enlightenment) with would fall to earth, and ended with Janaka succeeding in receiving it at Mount Swelagiri with Bagawan Kesawasidi as the mediator.

Pakem Padhalangan Wayang Purwa
Descriptions of wayang lakon: Alap-alapan Gandawati, Bima Bungkus, Pandhu Papa, Bale Sigala-gala, Jagal Abilawa, Babad Wanamarta, Sayembara Gandamana, Hambaralaya, Kurupati Rabi, Kridha Kresna, Alap-alapan Dursilawati, Alap-alapan Rukmini, Alap-alapan Setyaboma, Jumenengan Wijakangka, Gorawangsa (Wisnu Nitis), Lahiripun Kangsa, Lahiripun Setyaki, Kangsa Adu-adu, Wrediningsih, Alap-alapan Surtikanti.

Pakem Ringgit Madya
The guide for wayang gedhog lakon, as follows: Pelem Lalijiwa, Pelem Ciptarasa, Narayana Wadya (Wibahni Aji Jayabaya), Kijang Nirmala, Tribagna, Sara Harcuna, Lintang Kaharaton, Narpa Swala, Hajidarma, Mayangkara, Dhandhang Sangara (Tritawidada), Narasignmurti, Singawulung (Singakombang), Merusupadma, Kitiran Mancawarni, Sori Baskara (Wasi Lembu Tumengen), Madrim Sinaraya, Menda Suraya, Madrim Pupulih, Sekar Tanjung Tuwuh ing Sela, Madrim Puhara, Wanindrajala, Sri Gendrayana Murca, Sudarsana Sraya, Yaksa Ngumara, Sudarsana Pidana, Babad Mamenang, Sri Jayabaya Lahir, Kijing Nirmala, Saraharcana, Narpati Brata, Narpaswala, Ajidarma, Mahyangkara, Dhandhang Sangara, Narasingamurti, Anglingdarma, Sima Kombang, Sori Basmara, Kidang Wilis, Putra Nirmala, Andha Kancana, Kumbayaraga, Kedhap Wisesa, Senaraja Wiwaha, Wasi Indrajala, Kadhali Seta, Kapi Kaladesa, Paksi Jiwayagsa, Masturi Murca, Satya Ubaya, Tri upaya, Anglingdarma Muksana, Endhang Daruki, Cakranggana-Cakranggani, Manik Astagina, Sundaka Jantur, Sri Mangkaradewa Muksa, Soma Niskala, Kitiran Wilis, Dwi Raja Mugsana, Pancadriya Yagnya Grogol, Sata Rukmi, Sayembara Kirni, Cupu Mayaretna, Jayantara Minangkarti, Kirni Kawisaya, Dewa Sidyana, Duta Raja Nrawasa, Catur Raja Duta, Pala Wisaya, Jaka Pangalasan, Sekar Wijayakusuma, Sendang Gandamana, Sabda Pradana, Tumbal Pragalba Seta, Raden Dewandaru Murca, Bagawan Sri Pamasa Muksa, Esthi Herbangi, Citrawati Musna, Kestupati, Jaka Pupon Antuk Lara Temon, Tirta Pidana, Trimulya Jati, Martya Kanwa, Mantra Nirmala, Cundhamani, Soma Niskala, Sri Mangkaradewa Muksa, Sri Kabasmaran, and Marti Kilaya.

Pakem purwa 10 Lampahan
The 10 wayang lakon: Peksi Dewata,Jaka Pathokol, Sembadra Larung, Manobawa, Semar Jantur, Jaladara Rabi, Kresna Kebang, Endhang Werdiningsih, Rama Parasu, Naga Dewati.

Pakem Purwa
The guide for the following wayang lakon: Sri Mahapunggung, Bremana-Bremani, Kanumayasa, Palasara,Wahmuka Arimuka, Narasoma, Bima Bungkus, Pandhu Papa, Obong-obongan Bale Sigala-gala, Jagal Abilawa, Arimba, Kangsa, Semar Jantur, Jaladara Rabi, Alap-alapan Surtikanthi, Alap-alapan Banowati, Alap-alapan Dersilawati, Pendhawa Dulit, Kumbayana, Pejahe Gandamana, Kresna Kembang, Alap-alapan Secaboma, Taman Maherakaca.

There’s also descriptions following wayang lakon: Lahiripun Pandhu. The birth of Kuru (Dhestarata) to dewi Ambika and the birth of the twins, Pandhu and Yamawidura, to dewi Ambalika who could be separated only after offerings had been made to the gods. Brahmana Resi Jala Lagni Dhaup Angsal Dewi Ambalini. The marriage the ascetic Jala Lagni and Ambalini. Naga Srinata. The birth of Harya Srinata as Naga from the placenta of dewi Srini, and his appointment as official of king Kresna Dipayana. Pandhu Dewanata acts as the champion of king Dasabahu from Sriwedari against Pagering at Singgela. Alap-alapan Dewi Mahendra. The marriage of king Basudewa and Dewi Mahendra after the former had defeated Endrasena, the son of king Endradarma from Griwadipura, in a contest for the hand of Dewi Mahendra. Sayembara Kunthi. The pregnancy of Dewi Kunti and her giving birth with the help of Druwasa and Narasoma, ended with the battle between Narasoma and Pandhu for Dewi Kunthi, won by Pandhu. Ugrasena Krama. The marriage of Ugrasena to a nymph after his meditation at Mount Danarata. Pandhu Grogol. The punishment of Pandhu for building a palace resembling that the dewa and having shot two human beings who were in reality Brahmana Kandha and Rara Dremi. Drupada Krama. Bambang Sucitra from Pancala comes to Java to serve King Dewanata (Pandhu) of Ngastina and becomes an official with the name Drupada, and the marries the daughter of king Gandabahu, Dewi Gandawati from Cempalaradya. Kangsa Lahir. Sri Harya Wisnu, Leksmana and Baruki are ordered to descend to earth to the Mandura kingdom. Wisnu is incarnated as Narayana, while Lesmana and Baruki are incarnated as Kakrasana. Bima Bungkus. The journey of Bambang Kumbayana, the son of the ascetic Baratwaja, to Java and his intercourse with a mare, which gave birth to Bambang Aswatama, ended with Kunthi (Pandhu’s wife) giving birth to Bima. Sendhal Mayang Pandhu. Pandhu became ill because he built a flower garden resembling that of the dewa, and he and Dewi Madrim were drawn up into the kingdom of the dewa.

Other Pakem Purwa also including the 11 wayang lakons: Kandhanagara. The governance of Samba as Prabu Wisnubrata, caretaker king of Dwarawati for king Kresna, until Kresna’s reviving Siti Sendari, who had been put to death on the order of Prabu Matswapati. Samba Ngengleng. Tells about King Kresna being informed that Prabu Boma Nara Kaswara was not loved by his wife Dewi Haknyanawati, until Samba, the younger brother of Boma, Nara Kuswara, falling in love with his sister-in-law. Boma Suruhan. The disappearance of Samba, continued with the arrival of Mahudara, the envoy of King Boma Nara Kuswara, to ask Kresna whether his younger brother Samba would come to Trajutresna to marry Dewi Haknyanawati. Panca Basmara. A great fire arises in Ngamarta and caused the Pandhawa brother’s disappearance. The lakon ends with Narada marrying Dewi Sukmananda (later known as Dewi Dresawati) to Arjuna. Bawa Wiluta. The plan of king Suyudana from Ngastina to increase his allies in the coming Baratayuda war by demanding their loyalty to Ngastina, because he knew that many countries would support the Pandhawa brothers. Gandadewa (Gandawerdaya). The adoption of Gandawardaya (Gandadewa) by king Suyudana of Ngastina, up ti Gandawardaya’s meeting with Arjuna during his fight in Sriwedari, part of the Mahespati domain, and his departure for Ngamarta. Karna Lelana. Tells about the arrival of Arjuna, Sena and Gandawardaya at the Ngamarta Kingdom, and ended with the march of Prabu Karna to conquer other fogovernance countries such as Smarakandha and Kincakarupa to obtain more followers for Ngastina in the coming Baratayuda war. Patuting Sata Kurawa. Tells about the arrival of Sengkuni in Ngastina and his report of the defeat at Sriwedari, ended with the return of Kresna and Sri Drupada while the Pandhawa escorted Abiyasa back to Saptaarga. Semar Muksa. Tells about the court meeting at Ngastina, attended by Suyudana, Salya, Bisma, Sengkuni and Drona, which discussed the preceding meeting with the Pandhawa and redolved to attack the Pandhawa on their return to Ngamarta. Ended with his army and the Pandhawa brothers to Cempalaradya for a rest. Kresna Tapa Nendra. Tells about the spy report of Dawala to Prabu Baladewa about the alliance of Drupada and Ngamarta, and ended with Narada being sent to earth to start a contest to waken the Sleeping Prabu Kresna. Kresna Wungu Nendra. Tells about the arrival of Sengkuni from Dwarawati and his report to Suyudana, that he had quarreled with Setyaki and Abimanyu, and ended with the advice of Kresna to the Pandhawa about the coming war, and his order to Prabu Wirabatana to return to Wiratha.

Pakem Ringgit Purwa
A pakem of the 43 following wayang lakon:Angruna-angruni, Mikukuhan, Begawan Respati, Watugunung, Wisnupati, Prabu Namintaya, Nagatatmala, Sri Sadana, Parikenan, Bambang Sakutrem, Bambang Sakri, Bagawan Palasara, Wahmuka Arimuka, Kilatbuwana, Narasoma, Basudewa Rabi, Gandamana Sakit, Rabinipun Harya Prabu Kaliyan Ugrasena, Basudewa Grogol, Bima Bungkus, Rabinipun Ramawidura, Lisah Tala, Bambang Kumbayana, Obong-obongan Pasanggrahan Balesegala, Jagal Bilawa, Babad Wanamarta, Kangsa Pragat, Semar Jantur, Jaladara Rabi, Alap-alapan Surtikanti, Clakutana, Suyudana Rabi, Jayadrata Rabi, Pandhawa Dulit, Gandamana, Kresna Sekar, Alap-alapam Secaboma, Kuntul Wilanten, Pertakrama, Gathutkaca Lair, Setija, Bangun Taman Maerakaca, and Wader Bang.

Pakem Balungan Ringgit Gedhog
Collections of wayang gedhog lakon: Jagal Welakas, Jaka Sumilir, Jatipitutur, Jayasupena, Retna Lengen, Priyambada,Wisnu Balik, Jaka Sidik, Jaka Semawung, Rabinipun Raden Gunungsari, Paniba, Paksi Atam Ijem, Tatasan, Kirana Wayuh, Wulan Tumanggul, Bedhahipun Bali, Kudanarawangsa, Gajah Barong Mata Sanga, Suryamisesa, Lintang Sekti, Jaka Ketanuwan, Panji Grogol Kidang Kencana, Jaka Purnamasidi, Turangga Kusuma, Nungsakencana, Panji Blongsong, Jaka Panjaring, Handaka Wulung, Sarahwulan, Panji Kirana Wulung, Lintang Trenggana Gedhog, Naga Banda, Resi Kirana, Sinjanglaga Rabi, Kilapawarna Ngreni, Rara Wulan, Jaka Sumarna, Pandhansurat and Sreginipura.

Pakem Ringgit Purwa Warna-warni
A pakem of the 42 wayang lakon: Sembadra Edan, Sembadra Larung, Arjuna Besus,Sukma Ngembaraning Sembadra, Peksi Gadarata, Wrekudara Dados Gajah, Cekel Endralaya, Manonbawa, Surga Bandhang, Bangbang Kembar, Bangbang Danusmara, Palgunadi, Bimasuci, Loncongan, Yuyutsuh, Samba Rajah, Wrekudara dipun Lamar, Sunggen Wilmuka, Lobaningrat, Anggamaya, Brajadenta Balik, Tapel Sewu, Dewakusuma, Wader abring, Cekel Udaratih, Sunggen Gathutkaca Sugata, Tuguwasesa, Lambangkara, Semar Minta Bagus, Retna Sengaja, Prabu Pathokol, Jayamurcita, Karna Wiguna, Bangbang Supena, Pandhawa Gupak, Gugahan Kresna, Srikandhi Maguru Manah, Kresna Malang Dewa, Bangbang Sinom Prajangga, Murca Lalana, Pandha Widada.

Pakem Ringgit Wacucal
Pakem of the following 11 wayang lakon: Kresna Kembang, Sayembara Setyaki, Erangbaya, Kresna Gugah, Prabu Kalithi, Wilugangga, Waosan Panitibaya, Lampahipun Para Dewa, Karagajawa, Asmaradahana, Sudhamala.

Pakem Palasara Lelana
Classic book contains the collections of the following 10 wayang lakon: Palasala Lelana. Sri Basupati from Wiratha builds a bale krama (ceremonial hall), and Bambang Palasara takes part in the contest at Kincakapura and receives the service of the giant Supala, Palasara Krama. The meditation of Bambang Palasara at Pare wana which lasted until a small humming bird (emprit) had made a nest on his head. Ended with his marriage to Dewi Durgandhini. Abiyasa Lahir. The marriage of Plasara to Dewi Durgandhini until the birth of their twin sons, Raden Kresna (also known as Abiyasa) and Raden Satatama. Palasara Madeg Ratu Binatara. The crowning of Resi Palasara as Emperor of Ngastina and the births of his children, Dewi Rekatawati, to Dewi Kekayi and Raden Sancaka, Rupakinca and Raden Mala to Dewi Tari. Pamasa Ruri. The war between Siwandapura, ruled by Prabu Balika and Kincakapura, ended with the death of Prabu Balika. Yaksendra Gajahsura, Raksasa Sirah Dipangga. Tells about Raden Satatama, the son of Sri Palasara, being killed in battle against the giant Prabu Gajahsura, continued with the killing of Gajahsura by Palasara. Palasara Muksa. Tells about Palasara wandering at night through his country receiving the magic weapon Manikpramana from Bathara Guru, which he later gave to his son Raden Kresna, ended with Palasara’s dissapearance. Prabu Basupati Muksa. Tells about the marriage proposal of Sri Basupati to Dewi Watari, who drowned herself in a pool, which was later named Sendang Srinata. Sri Basupati, unable to contain his sorrow, disappeared. Wahmuka Arimuka. The contest at Giyantipura, where Raden Dewabrata defeated the giants, Wahmuka and Harimuka. Resi Abiyasa Madeg Nata. Tells about the murder of Sri Citrawirya from Ngastina and ended with the crowning of Resi Abiyasa as king of Ngastina, succeeding his younger brother Sri Citrawirya.

Pakem Parikesit
The guide for the following wayang lakon: Parikenan. Tells about a description of Sri Parikenan of Gilingwesi, and ended with his killing by Sri Kala of Purwacarita, leaving behind a son named Kamyasa. Manumayasa. Tells about Prabu Basumurti of Wiratha sending his younger brother Raden Basukesthi to call Resi Manumayasa as Saptaarga, and ended with the latter’s arrival in Wiratha to be accused of being a rebel. Manumayasa Krama. Tells about Manumayasa eating the fruit Sumarwana by his marriage to Dewi Kanastri, and ended with the giant Satru Tapa renaming Dewi Sumarwana Dewi Kanastri. Bambang Sakutrem Rabi. Tells about Bambang Sakutrem marrying Dewi Nilawati, and ended with his wife being named Ewi Pujawati (Jamurdipa). Lahirira Bambang Sakri. Tells about Prabu Basukesthi of Wiratha building a restplace, and ended with the marriage of his younger sister Dewi Dwarawati to Empu Purbanggeni at the same time as the birth of Bambang Sakri to Dewi Pujawati (Sakutrem’s wife). Maherakaca. Tells about Wasi Kisthira marrying Dewi Anggastuti, and ended with Prabu Basukesthi marrying off his daughter Dewi Basudari to Prabu Sarama of Malawa. Putri dados Reca. Tells about Dewi Basudari being kidnapped by a giant and becoming a statue, and ended with her meeting with Harya Manungkara and their marriage. Buta Ijem. Tells about Sri Basukesthi of Wiratha becoming ill, and ended with his death caused by the magical power of the giant Daksatama, the fther of Buta Ijo (the green giant). Saraya Sakri. Tells about Prabu Basukeswara building a pleasure garden located at the old palace of Medhang Kawiri (old Wiratha), and ended with Prabu Basukeswara marrying off Dewi Kanaka to mitya Kadcar. Jaka Deleh. Tells about Prabu Basukeswara wishing to trace the experiences of his father Prabu Basukesthi, and ended with Prabu Basukeswara telling his father-in-law that Dewi Danarti would be married by Harya Kintaka (Jaka Deleh) following her metamorphosis from a fish (kutuk) to a human being.

Pakem Wiwaha Sakri
Collections of the following wayang lakon: Wiwaha Sakri. The marriage of Batara Sakri and Dewi Sati, the daughter of Prabu Partawijaya in the kingdom of the dewa while Resi Dupara attacked the dewa’s garden at Mount Saptaarga. Tejamancawarna. King Basukeswara Wiratha’s invertigation of a rainbow that was found to be caused by the rays of light sent forth by a Ksatriya from Mandrapura, named Raden Sadana, who later was appointed as an official with the name Harya Mandrakusuma after having brought Retna Dumilah to the king. Lahiripun Palasara. The clearing of the forest Keling by Harya Mandrakusuma, here he was crowned king, while Dewi Sati, wife of Sakri gave birth to her child Palasara. The ascetic Kanumayasa, Bagawan Sakutrem and Batara Sakri were lost in the middle of the ocean engaged in battle with Sri Murteja. Putri Yukti Kabekta ing Kluwung. Raden Basukesthi wishes to marry Dewi Yukti, the daughter of Resi Basudara from Gajah Oya, but she is kidnapped by a rainbow. Sri Geniyara from Endrapura attacks Raden Basukesthi but is killed by the latter, a dwarf appearing, who after offerings made by Raden Basukesthi reassumes original identity as Dewi Yukti.

Muksanipun Prabu Basukeswara. The fight between King Basukeswara from Wiratha and King Nagajaya of Kopara in the Keling jungle. Raja Kapila. The marriage of Raden Kanwa, son of sri Daneswara of Medhang Kamulan and Dewi Yoni, the daughter of King Kapila from Upapalwa. Narpa Tikbra. Sri Pratiwa plans to extend his kingdom from Gajah Oya to the Wiratha kingdom nut is killed in battle and succeded by his son Raden Santalu. Resi Mahusadha. The meditation of Sri Basukesthi as the deer Resi Mahusadha following the death of his wives. Later he married Dewi Swargandhini. Bambang Palasara (Tikbra). The absence of Palasara from the audience at Wiratha, caused by his visit to his colleague and fellow student, Sri Sadhamuka at Asi (Absi). Uler Tahun Gengipun SaklumbungBandhung. Sri Harya Kala Keya is condemned by the dewa to become a great catepillar (uler tahun) because of his affair with Sri Madewi, the Queen of Wiratha, who later gave birth to two children, named Dewi Sati and Raden Mataswa (Durgandhana).

Sapanti Parta (Parta Krama). The daughter of king Sudhana, Dewi Yondhini, became pregnant, after dreaming she had slept with unnamed man, later revealed as Cekel Endralaya. The story ends with tehir marriage and the coronation of Cekel Endrayana as Prabu Yodana. Pancawala Lahir. The birth of Pancawala, the son of Yudhistira and Dewi Drupadi. Palgunadi. Arjuna’s obtaining the magic ring of Palgunadi after a quarrel over who was the best archer, ended with the surrending of Palgunadi’s ring to Arjuna on Drona’s advice. Lahiripun Leksmana Mandrakumara. The birth of Lesmana Mandrakumara, the son of Suyudana, borne by Dewi Banawati, continued with the arrival of the enemy, the giants from Ngambawakandha under King Wakadanita, who were later defeated by Arjuna and Sena. Alap-alapan Dewi Manohara. Tells about the marriage proposal of the giant king, Raka Kala Garaya of Batuwarna to Dewi Supraba of Suralaya, which was refused by Batara Endra, ending when Arjuna, as the champion of the dewa, killed Kala Garaya.

Dhaupipun Dewi Ulupi Miwah Gandawati Antuk Harya Danangjaya, Panengahipun Pandawa. The contest for Dewi Ulupi and Dewi Gandawati, the daughters of Prabu Arjunayana, between the king of Sriwedari and Dursasana, the younger brother of Prabu Suyudana, the winner being whoever could defeat the Prabu Arjunayana’s son, Raden Gandasena. Risaking Taman Maerakaca. Dewi Srikandhi’s refusal to accept any of the many kingly suitors who came to Cempalaradya, because she wished only to marry Arjuna. Her refusal resulted in the destruction of the royal garden Maerakaca by the angry suitors. Pambanguning Taman Maerakaca. The marriage proposal of King Suyudana on behalf on his younger brither Raden Burisrawa to Dewi Srikandhi, following which Srikandhi arranged a contest in which she agreed to marry the one who could restore the Maerakaca garden to its original beauty. Arjuna disguised as Begawan Guna won the contest and married Srikandhi. Sri Denta (Dhaupipun Arjuna Kaliyan Srikandhi). The great wedding festivities of Arjuna and Srikandhi held at the palace Cempalaradya, preceded by an account of the epidemic in Dyamapala where the king, Prabu Sridenta, son of Bagawan Ciptawilapa, ordered the sick to cure themselves by drinking the water of the Kalimasada.

Dewaruci. Events in 829 when Sena asked permission of Yudhistira to search for the water of life on the advice of his teacher Dahyang Drona, ending in his being taught by the dwarf dewa Dewaruci. Rudra Kalamurti. The Pringgadani kingdom asked the help of Yudhistira to defend it from attack by the giant king Prabu Rudra Kalamurti from Purantara, ended with the death of the giant king. Meanwhile Patih Andanu was taken prisoner and then served the king of Dwarawati, who ordered him to give the country Purantara to Pringgadani. Abimanyu Lahir. Tells about the secret departure of Burisrawa from Ngastina, ended with the news from Madukara that Sembadra had borne a son named Abimanyu and the struggle by Resi antareja to prevent Dewi Sembadra, from being kidnapped by the giants.

Pantireja tuwin Jaka Lambang. Nangkula brings the news to Kresna in Dwarawati of the growing epicemic in Ngamarta, and ended with Arjuna (Jaka Lambang) telling his mother and his grandfather about the capture of Burisrawa, and the departure of Baladewa, Karna and Burisrawa from Ngamarta after Antareja had found Dewi Sembadra. Gathutkaca Lahir. The departure of Arjuna from his palace to clear the forest Krendhawahana, and ended with the order of the dewa to take the newly born Gatutkaca to Suralaya to have him fight against the giants. He was returned to Ngamarta after his victory. Arjuna Grogol. Tells about the demand that Arjuna continues his plan to clear the forest Krendhawahana, and to costruct there a resthouse, ended with the Pandhawa asking pardon of Durga, who informed them that Arjuna had entered into a love alliance with the giant Asura who had assumed the form of Sembadra.

Brajamusthi Andana. Suyudana and Yudhistira agree to make the ritual offerings at Saptaarga (Rajawedha) ended with the vow of Suyudana to surrender half of Ngastina kingdom to the Pandhawa a vow rejected by the Kurawa. Manuk Harya (Pandhawa Muksa). The court discussion at Ngastina about the decision of Suyudana to give half of Ngastina to the Pandhawa, ended with the revelation of Abiyasa that to obtain half of Ngastina the Pandhawa should meditate on Mount Pujangkara, but that Arjuna should not meditate with his brothers but teach him what should happen during their meditation. Kandhanagara. Samba as Prabu Wisnubrata acts as the caretaker of the Dwarawati kingdom during the absence of Prabu Kresna, who was attempting to revive his daughter Siti Sendari. Sangba Ngengleng. The love affair of Samba and his sister-in-law Dewi Haknynawati, the wife of Prabu Boma Nara Kaswara from Traju Tresna. Boma Suruhan. Boma sends a courier to Dwarawati to call Samba to account for his love affair with Dewi Haknyanawati.

Panca Basmara. The great fire in Ngamarta caused by the complicity of Bathari Durga in backing her son Prabu Tejamurti, who later was shot by Kresna’s arrow, while Arjuna, the rival of Tejamurti, married Dewi Sukmananda (Dresawati). Bawa Wiluta. The expansion of Ngastina to other fogovernance countries to obtain followers for the comping Baratayuda war. Gandadewa. The adventure of Gandadewa (Gandawardaya) during his search for his true father Janaka. Karna Lelana. Prabu Karna’s adventures on his Suyudana ordained mission to obtain more followers for the Ngastina side in the coming Baratayuda war. Patuting Sata Kurawa. The unresolved peace conference planned by Suyudana, which followed the failures of Prabu Karna and Gandawardaya in battle against the Pandhawa in Wiratha and Sriwedari.

Susuhunan Panca Kurawa. The endevaours of king Suyudana to recall Prabu Baladewa for the coming Baratayuda war and tells Baladewa that he should atone for his mistakes by meditating in the Kilasa cave. Wedha Waluya. The war preparations at Ngastina and an account of the situation at Ngamarta, Cempalaradya, etc. until the offer of help from Dewi Jathawati and her two sons to Kresna, who ordered them to stay in Pringgadani (Glagahtinulu).

Panca Winasita. Suyudana, Sengkuni, and Drona discuss the establishment of a new kingdom at Gilingwesi in the Wiratha domain by Prabu Suyudana who had promised to adipati Karna to come to Ngastina, ended with the order of Yudhistira to Dewi Jathawati rungkala where she attacked many giant followers and brought her country to welfare. Parpatan Para Pandhawa. The arrival of Arjuna courier of Yudhistira and Kresna in Wiratha, the kingdom of Prabu Matswapati, to ask that the Pandhawa brothers be allowed to seek refuge there from the Kurawa with their wives, children, relatives and seven allied kings. Ended with the seven kings being given their own settlements, and for reasons of security, their wives being lodged in the palace together with Dewi Utari and Siti Sendari. Pamasa Mangun Tapa. The court meeting in Ngastina to discuss the news from Sengkuni, that the Pandhawa brothers, their allies and followers had settled in Wiratha under the protection of Prabu Matswapati to prepare for the coming present. Ef Wiratha’s battle conference, and the appointment of Harya subrata as battle-commander.

Pakem gedhog
Collections of the following wayang gedhog lakon recounting events from the Kedhiri dynasty: Panyitiran. Events in 1233, from the governance of Prabu Endrakusuma until the crowning of Inu Kertapati at Kedhiri.

Panji Jumeneng Nata. Events in 1234, from the governance of Amiluhur until the war started by Kedhiri against Pengging and Pajang during the governance of Prabu Batulata Tunjung Nata. Bedhahing Tarnite. Events in 1235, tells about the governance of King Suryawisesa from Jenggala, until the marriage of Raden Kudasarjana from Blambangan to Princess Dewi Endrarum of Mandar. Brahmana Pinidita. Events in 1235, tells about the governance of king Suryawisesa at Jenggala, until the division of Jenggala into four kingdoms to be ruled by the king’s children, whilst the king of Jenggala became an ascetic.

Alapan Kumudaningrat. Events in 1235, tells about the governance of Prabu Suryawisesa, until the crowning of Harya Batulata as king of Pajang/Pengging, the return of Raden Karna and Raden Durda to Tarnite (Ternate), and Karna’s love for princess Kumudaningrat, the newly wedded wife of Padmanagara. Suryawisesa Grogol. Events in 1240, tells about the governance of king Suryaamisesa at Jenggala after the death of his father, until the defeat of a giant army from Mount Pandhan which attacked Jenggala. Events in 1250, during the governance of Suryaanisesa, tells about tye search for the lost of dewi Kumudaningrat, the wife of Patih Padmanagara, and ended with the death of Prabu Jaka, who was succeeded by Prabu Durda as king of Tarnite.

Sri Panji Panuba. Events in 1250 during the governance of Suryaamisesa, tells about the Suryaamisesa visit to Narmada Parangtulis, until the meeting between Suryaamisesa and his younger brothers, Suryamijaya from Kedhiri, Suryadilaga from Ngurawan, Suryawinata from Singasari and Begawan Brajanata with their wives and children. Laleyan Jumeneng Nata. Events in 1251, from the abdiction of King Suryaamisesa in favour of his son Kudalaleyan, who was crowned as king Suryaamiluhur, until the crowning of Raden Kudasuwangsa, the son of Prabu Suryawinata, as king of Singasari with the title Prabu Suryaamiluwih. Events in 1252 – during the governance of King Kalana Batulana, the son of Prabu Selaraja Andayningrat from Pajang Pengging in the Jenggala dominion, who declared himself king, and prepared to attack the Kedhiri kingdom, after hearing that Prabu Suryaamisesa had given his throne to Prabu Suryaamiluhur and that Suryaamiluhur was lost at sea. Ended with the fall of Blambangan and Kedhiri.

Suryanatpada. Events in 1252 during the governance of Suryaamiluwih from Singasari, tells about discussion between Suryaamiluwih, Suryaamijaya from Kedhiri and Suryadilaga from Ngurawan about king Batulata and his plans to extend his kingdom and their plan to jointly attack the Pengging army. Lahire Raden Seputra. Events in 1252, tells about Prabu Mahesa Tandremon from Pajajaran waiting for the news about which Jenggala royal families had survives the floods and ordering a search party to look for them, until the arrival of Ujung Walepa, the son of Patih of Kedhiri, bringing news of the birth of Raden Saputra, the son of the king Jenggala. Alap-alapan Retna Pandeki. Events in 1252m tells about the governance of King Mahesa Tandreman at Pajajaran, who after having received news about Jenggala, ordered to write a friendly letter to king Batulata inviting him to the coronation of the king of Jenggala at Pajajaran, until the temporary transfer of the Pajajaran court an royal family to Krawang.

Purnapuraya ing Pajajaran. Events in 1253, tells about king mahesa Tandreman awaiting the arrival of Patih Ujung Kelana who had built a new palace, ended with the march of the Pajajaran army to Pajang-Pengging. Retna Indi Yagna. Events in 1254, from the stay of king Mahesa Tandreman at Pengging to make preparations for his return to Pajajaran, ended with the fall of Pengging and Madu Sudhana, the younger brother of Mahesa Tandreman becoming King of Pengging. Prabu Anom Saputra. Events in 1256, the proclamation of Raden Jaka Saputra as crown prince Banjaransari (Lembu Pangarsa). Sri Sungkawa. Events in 1257, tells about king Mahesa Tandreman’s shock at hearing of the death of his wife Dewi Pandhansari from Pengging from eating a siwalan fruit, ended with his decree to search for the suspected prisoner, Ken Sasmi, who was to be put to death.

Bagawan Aska. Set in 1258, on the decision of King Tandreman to appoint his younger brother Raden Kudapandaya as official chief of the court families. Banjaransari Krama. Set in 1260, on the departure of Dewi Nilawati, the mother-in-law of Mahesa Tandreman, to convey the marriage proposal of the king’s son Banjarnasari to the princess of Pengging, until the marriage of Banjaransari. Dewi Aliran. Set in 1269 during the governance of Mahesa Tandreman, about his sadness caused by the dissapearance of his relative Dewi Aliran, until the marriage of Panji Jayengkunta to Dewi Aliran.

Paken Gedhog
A wayang gedhog story on the governance of the 13th descendant of Sri Suwelacala Sutra (Jaka Pramana), King Sri Dewasraya, and his visit to his adopted father Sri Dewa Kala at Prambanan, where the latter entrusted his two sons to Dewasraya.

Pakem Gedhog Ajipamasa
A classic book of the Kedhiri dynasty written as wayang gedhog text, tells about Prabu Kusumawicitra’s order to his followers to clear the forest Dwarawati as the site of the new capital, until Prabu Gandawaraja from Krendhawahana’s surrender to King Kusumawicitra.

Pakem Hantara
The guide for wayang gedhog lakon, with the following additional wayang gedhog lakon: Brahmana Pinidana. Tells about patih Sindusena sending a message to Prabu Suryaamisesa about the marriage of the Prince of Jenggala to Dewi Murtasiyah of Ternate, ended with the arrest of two robbers who were brought to Jenggala. Alapan Kumudaningrat. Tells about prabu Suryaamisesa escorting his father back to the kapucangan sanctuary, continued with Suryaamisesa agreeing to the marriage proposal of Raden Padmanagara to Retna Kumudaningrat and ended with their Marriage. Sri Suryamisesa Grogol. Tells about the death of Suryaamisesa father, and ended with the battle between Suryaamisesa followers and the giant army.

Kalana Prabujaka. Tells about the dissapearance of Dewi Kumudaningrat, the wife of Patih Padmanagara, ended with her rediscovery through the help of Minawati’s demon maidservant. Sri Panji Panuba. Tells about Suryaamisesa catching fish at the mouth of the river Bengawan Buntung and ended with his death after which his body changed into a golden fish and great plague arose in Jenggala. Laleyan Jumeneng Nata. Tells about Suryaamisesa being succeeded by Laleyan with the title Prabu Suryaamiluhur, and ended with a great flood in Jenggala which killed the whole population and Prabu Suryaamiluhur received the divine inspiration to follow the flight of a bee.

Pakem Madya
The alleged history of the Javanese kings written as wayang lakon collections, tells about where the Pustakaraja Purwa ends, devided into the following wayang lakon: Sri Gendrayana Murca, Sudarsana Sraya, Yaksa Kumara, Sudarsana Pidana, Babad Mamenang (Pelem Lalijiwa), Pelem Ciptarasa, Tejalengkara Muksa, Kijing Nirmala, Tribagna, Sora Acana, Lintang Kaharaon, Narpati Brata, Narpa Swala, Ajidarma, Anglingdarma Lahir, Narasinga Murca, Simakombang (Simaluwung), Kitiran Mancawarna, Sari Basmara (Dewi Setyawati Lembu Tumangan), Kidang Ams, Putra Nirmala, Kestupati, Martakilaya, Citrawati Murca, Esthi Herbangi, Begawan Sri Pamasa Muksa, Endrapati, Babad Prambanan, Darmakala, Dewi Tara Murca, Sendhang Gandamana, Babad Wana Ngamarta, Kidang Kencana, Karkali Kencana, Raden Dewandaru Murca, Margana Sraya, Pancadnyana Murca, Saptaprandana, Dewaraja Balila, Sekar Wijayakusuma, Narpendra Wukir Patarangan, Candra Sangara, Kedhap Wisesa, senaraja Wiwaha, Madrim Sraya, Mendra Suraya, Madrim Puhara, Wasindrajala, Kandhali Seta, Paksi Jiswayaksa, Banejapati, Kapi Kaldewa, Masturi Murca, Setya Ubaya, Pancawarna, Tri Upaya, Anglingdarma Muksana, Prabu Gandakusuma, Kalawisaya, Dwiraja Purawa, Endhang Daruki, Cangkrang Gana, Cangkrang Gini, Manik astagina, Chundhamani, Cundhaka Jantur, Mantri Nirmala, Nurtyakanwa, Trimulyajati, Tirtapidana, Jaka Pupon antuk Rara Temon, and Sendhang Banaspati

Pakem Pustakaraja Madya
An account by MN IV of his creation of the Ringit Madya, written in 1874, which tells of the pre-history of the Javanese kings, linking them with the gods. The book divede into the following section: Ciptarasa, Narayana, Wijiling Nirmala, Tribagna, Sara Atcana, Lintang Kaharaton, Narpaswala, Ajidarma.

Pakem Puskataraja Wasana
Pejahipun Ranggalawe, Pejahipun Prabu Menakjingga, Darmawijaya, Menak Supena, Pangrebating Majapahit, Brawijaya II, Harya Baribin, Raden Putra Krama, Menak Butaka, Tunjung Puri, Brahmani Yuta Muksa, Jaka Sambotho, Menak Bisma, Jayasengara, Wikardha Dana, Damarwulangun, Endhang Kapyandari, Alap-alapan Kapyandari.

Pakem Ringgit Purwa
Descriptions of wayang lakon: Sri Mahapunggung, the story of the descent of Dewi Sri and Sadana to Earth to bring well-being and prosperity to humanity. Bremana-Bremani, the marriage of Bremana-Bremani and Sri Unon on the order of Batara Guru. Kanumayasa (Manumayasa), the marriage of Manumayasa and Dewi Retnawati. Arimba, the killing of king Arimba from the Pringgadani kingdom by Wrekudara, the suitor of the former’s younger sister, Palasara, the marriage of Durgandini, the widow of Palasara, and mother of Abiyasa and Sentanu, the window of Dewi Jenawi who died after giving birth to her son Dewabrata. Dewabrata, the adption of Dewabrata by Palasara anad the marriage of Sentanu to Palasara and the marriage of Sentanu to Palasara’s widow.

Pakem Sastramiruda
A wayang text book for dalang of the Surakarta court, tells about a discussion of the many kinds of sorts of wayang (beber, gedhog, krucil, tors, and ended with a discussion of the meaning of kayon (gunungan), the gamelan instruments, the melodies, the dances and accessories for a wayang performance.

Pakem Topeng
A wayang gedhog lakon tells about Prabu Lembu Amisena talking to the suitors from Tarnite of the Princess of Kedhiri, and ended with Kurarerangin being revived by Begawan Sidik Kusuma. Also contains some Javanese songs to accompany the wayang gedhog performance.

Pak Semar
A Christian story about pakem Sarman of Pasundhan, tells about his being told by a gypsy that he would never find the mn who killed his father on a trading trip to Batavia, and ended with Pak Semar becoming a good Christian following the preachings of a priest.

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