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Paku Alam III
Paku Alam III also likes to created variation of gamelan and gendhing. He compared with the gamelan at the Kraton Yogyakarta or the Kraton Surakarta the gamelan at the Pura Pakualaman seems to have its own characteristic, not exactly the same as either of the others: The gong is not as sonorous as the big Yogya gongs, while the kendang is not as soft as the, Sa1a drum, but the sound of the percussion saron instruments is between the loud Yogyanese and the gendhing Salanese.
This is not surprising if we recall that the Pura Pakualaman has the ancient Kyai Pengawesari and Telagamuncar a slendro and pelog gamelan set originating from the Yogya court, and Kyai Rarasrum and Rumingraras, another set, a present of the Surakarta Sunan Paku Buwono X. Besides these sets they have their own gamel,an Kyai Tunggul in slendro and pelog. Moreover the leader of the Pakualamangamelan orchestra, K. R. T: Wasitodipuro, who is also the gamelan leader of the Jagjalcarta RRI radio station, is thoroughly schooled in the Yogya and Sala style gamelan art. The Murjoraras concert which is broadcasted straight from the pendapa agung, the big Javanese styled open hall, is ideally suited.The atmosphere is still distingtly old Javanese, preserving a tradition of centuries.
Although the crowded street is not more than a hundred mElters away it slaems like decadfs removed. Unlike the strict preserved rules in the Yogya kraton, the Pakualaman court musicians and pesindens do not wear uniforms but the ordinary style Javanese kain surjan and kain-kebaya dress. In some ways this Muryoraras Uyon - uyon could be considered as one of the criteria in measuring the condition of our gamelan art. He created :
1. Cerita Babad Segaluh
2. Cerita Banjaransari
3. Mainan Gula Ganti
4. Jalungan
5. Gobag Sodor
According to Bratadiningrat (1990), genealogy of Paku Alam III : name dewasa: G.P.H. Sasraningrat.
Wiosan dalem :
Kemis Paing I Jumadilakir 1755 Mangsa kapitu Wuku Kurantil Windu Kuntara tahun Alip, utawi 10 Desember 1827.
Jumeneng dalem :
Akat Wage 13 Jumadilawal Alip 1787. Mangsa Kapitu Wuku Landep Windu Kuntara utawi 19 Desember 1850.
Surud dalem :
Senen Pon 16 Jumadilawal Wawu 1793. Mangsa kalima Wuku Gumbreg Windu Sangara utawi 17 Oktober 1864. Sumare ing Kota Gedhe. Ibu dalem putrinipun Hingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono II. Para putra dalem :
1. K.P.H. Purwosaputro
2. B.R.Ay. Sosroprawiro
3. B.R.M.H. Suryohudoyo
4. K.P.H. Suryaningrat
5. B.R.M.H. Suryokusumo
6. B.R.Ay. Nototaruno
7. B.R.Ay. Notohatmojo
8. K.P.H. Sasraningrat
9. B.R.Ay. Notodirjo.
10. G.R.Aj. Jaleka, Garwanipun KGPAA Paku Alam VI
Sri Paku Alam III has 10 children:
- KPH Purwoseputro (from garwa pangrembe)
- BRA Sosroprawiro (from garwa pangrambe)
- BRM Suryohudoyo (from garwa pangrambe)
- KPH Suryaningrat (from garwa padmi)
- BRM Hario Suryokusumo (from garwa pangrambe)
- BRMA Nototaruno (from garwa pangrambe)
- BRA Notoatmojo (from garwa pangrambe)
- BPH Sasraningrat (from garwa padmi)
- GKR Ayu Adipati Paku Alam VI, atau Gusti Timur (from garwa padmi)
- BRA Notodirjo (from garwa pangrambe)
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