Paku Alam VI

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Paku Alam VI
Paku Alam VI act Javanese doctrin of leadership named Astabrata. When the great king Dacaratha arrived in Ayodya, the capital the whole people honoured prince Rama because he had destroyed the enemies of the great seers in the hermitage And tile mighty verse also humiliated. Nobody vise outside prince Rama was honoured as the only one. who was powerful. Ministers well as commanders of the army who were very pleased and delighted, also their expression of honour. He was the only person, for whom (the whole people) of ayodya was longing as their king. Likewise king Dasaratha was also delighted and glad. Rama, should be king. but not Baratha, this was what ho Said. These word which were spoken with stress were repeated frequently. So that anybody among the people knew hat, he Said. The solem preparations, for the next inauguration (of Rama as king) were of many kinds of kinds, a royal seat with a pedestal made of precious jewels was made ready and there were several golden cups filled with holy water. The audience hall was spread with cow-dung and was sprinkled with perfumes and seeds.
The incense which was burned at the sides gave a fragrant smoke. The Smoke of incense coming from the bdellium was spreading a sharp smell sweet smelling flowers fragrant champakas, and sunflowers were created anywhere. where as the flag as well as ill the wind. When the time arrived that Rama would be installed as a king and the coronation was almost ready, Kekayi. Kekayi is one of the royal wives of the king become very sad. She wished that her son, named Barata, should be made king. Because at the time when she was asked to be the wife of the king, she had accepted this on the condition that her son should be made king.
But at the time of this coronation Barata her son. Was absent, because he was staying with the grand fathers. On account-of this he did not know what Kekayi was planning to do. She was always envious of Rama. Althought She believed exactly in the agreement with king Dacaratha when he asked her be his wife. She went to the king with the firm intention to challenge the kings will. She insisted on the king that the latter should order to Rama to live in exile in the forests, whereas her son should be made king. This was the only wish of Kekayi (On account of this), king Dacaratha was desperate, depressed and hopeless. Because the king like to keep his words. He a ordered to Rama to go (in exile) all people were thinking that The Kings love (to his son) eased to exist, therefore they were very sad, grieve and were very disappointed, They were sighing with astonishment and after having agreed on with the other, they decided to go to Rama. Oh, how cruel is the King, who does not care at all about virtues and Barata is bad. How wicked is queen Kekayi! These words, of the protest were raised, when they were going to Rama.
They decided to follow to go in exile in the forest, since they would not be left be¬hind. But prince Rama was brave and instantly be Said : My best people do not be sad, when I am going in exile in the forest, for this is the command of the kin-and which is a blessing for me. It is the duty of child to obey the command of his father. Because he is the one, who has made him born. He makes, that a child knows where is the North and where is the. South. He keeps and protects the child when lie is in danger. Indeed the kings obli¬gations are numerous, therefore, I am not reluctant. I should like to prefer to be (lead than to be disobedient against my father. Please go back, do not grieve over me, do respect my younger brother without any doubt as the future king, for whether I will become king or my brother, it will be the same. And prevent the king to be downhearted.
Thus he spoke, then he got up and went away. And his younger brother Laksmana together with sita (his wife) accompanied him. And all the people, who agreed that Rama should be made a king were following prince Rama with great affection. He arrived at the river Tamasa in the forest which was very beautiful. When the night come he was staying in the terrible forest. He was watching over his soldiers who fell, a sleep through¬out the time. At daybreak prince Rama went instantly away with¬out making any noise. Young Laksmana together with Sita accompanied him. Nobody know when they were going away secretly. When the soldiers awoke, they became very sad, whereas the ministers were downhearted, because Rama was lost without leaving any sign where he was going.
The crowd was crying loudly in the forest and all people were lam¬enting and sighing, because nobody know how to find them, who were already gone without leaving any trace. All people were return¬ing to Ayodya, but their heart will not return yet, since it accompanied prince Rama (in his flight). The prime-minister, the patih was washing himself in the big river. He tried to recover himself, but his sadness was growing more and more. Then he went back and on his way home, he was always thinking of prince Rama. When he arrived in Ayodhya He had the feeling as if the world was empty. He entered the palace and went to the king. King Dacaratha at him with a sad expression, but he fainted, because He saw the prime-minister without any companion. His heart was broken, because he was separated from Rama, he was always thinking the hardships experienced by his son.
Before that time, his people were praising him as a brave as shakable man: With patience and in silence he suffered the sorrow. But now after he was separated from his son, his passed away. He was feeling. Very weak and his mind was t whereas his steadfastness was also lost. He did not like to take any food, even lie abandoned ever which he always used to do. He stopped to wear fine cloth ceased to wear jewels. His mind was roaming everywhere. was sad as if he was kept in jail. Now and then lie went to the gardens in order to relax himself.
But his heart grew more and more depressed and down, I was longing for (Rama). Although the garden was so beauty was not interested at all in its beauty (In the beginning) His opinion that this garden should be a medicine against his strong desire to meet his son, so that it should soften his sorrow, he left the garden with full sorrow, downhearted and absent-minded. Sometimes he was reclining in his soft, nice and cool be body was besmeared with made of Adropon-roots sandalwood, but it was not pleasant for him, because it cause any feeling of coolness, everything seemed to his senses. Because of the deep sorrow he prefer to go back to heaven. The wives of the king were in consternation, they were fill and crying. They loosened the string of the knot of their h that it was hanging free as a token of mourning, jewels, as golden ornaments and rings were falling down on the ground reason was that the women were rolling on the ground, they were sad, depressed, crying and shouting.
The ministers as well as the army commanders were coming to make a decision. Barata was asked to come back immediately and he came back. He saw that the palace was desert it was very quiet there. It was as if the big market was dos for not at single shot) wits open. He entered the palace with an affected mind. Everybody whom he met came crying to him. He asked with stress about the illness of the king which caused his death. His mother explained him with dignity the truth about what happened. when he learned about the reason of his fathers death, he become heavily angry with his mother. He came to her and Said :Mother, What are you cruel in your heart, wicked and low that you dare to challenge the decision of the king without having refrained your self from it. What is the use when those three people are going to the inhospitable forest ? Are not you happy enough here in Ayodhya? And now we are all going to die as a result of the grief you have caused. Alas your wish to kill the whole world cruelly comes true.
You insist on me to be king! What is the use to be king, if it rinses discontent and the deterioration of the whole world? And out want to make me inferior than Laksmana who is accompany¬ing Rama with faultless devotion. These were his words when he was scolding Kekayi. He was not at all interested to be made king, because he was firm in his loyality towards his elder brother. His tears were flowing ceaseless because of his sorrow and depression. Instantly lie was stopped to mourn for Isis dead father. The officers and his mother were appeasing him. His sorrow was over, whereas his mind became bright again and was no more trou¬bled, because it was the nature of everything that what was born would end in a death. This was what lie had in mind and therefore his sorrow was over. He ordered the senior officials to cremate the king. He performed the purification ceremonies and after that he performed the last cremations ceremonies on the last day of the month. After having done the ceremonies, Barata planned to meet Rama as a token of his fidelity towards his elder brother. This attitude was worthy of imitation.
Elephan, horses, carriages and the most important officials were following Barata. They were welt-equipped when then were accompanying hint and they were immediately on their way. When they came in the forests, all the elephants, horses and carriages were also going inside. They were roaming in the forest to look for Rama. It was a thick, impenetrable and inaccessible forest, situated just to the bank of the Tamara-river and in which many unfathom¬able, deep open caves was found. Many rivers, ravines and steep impassable slopes were forming au obstacle for them. But Barata without any fear tried to find his elder brother. When Barata did not find him whom he was looking for he walked untired further. He found a very clear and extraordinary holy river, namely the famous Gangga-river. Its water was holy and as white a crystal and moonstone, resembling Baratas heart which was infected to his elder brother.
When he went on through a forest, lie arrived at a big river which was well-known as the Yamuna-river, of which its current was very bright. Downwards this river met with the white Gangga-river, resembling (the meeting of) Lord Wisnu with Lord Siwa. When Barata was going further in the forest, he arrived at an her mitage, it was the prosperous and lovely hermitage of Baradwaja It was at the end of the day, namely in the evening, when he came there. The great seer with his pupils met Barata on his arrival. The forms of entertaining the guests performed by the great seer were of many kinds of kinds and which were the result of his yoga-prac¬tices, immediately the beautiful, magical parijata-tree came down on earth. This tree could satisfy everybody who wished to have any¬thing he liked and which was a gift from the learned seer. Well, it was due to his severe penance, that this tree could supply every¬thing when asked.
Women residing in Indras heaven and angels were coming down on earth. They were serving as servants for the astonished guests. They were playing at the bamboo-flutes singing some songs, playing at the violin and lutes, whereas some of them were performing some dan¬ces. All the guests were enjoying themselves and therefore they resolved to stay the night. At day-break Barata went on to look for his elder brother. Accom¬panied by his army he arrived at the beautiful lake Mandakini. In¬cidentally he met with naked forest dwellers who gave him some informal ions about the region in which Rama was living.
There was a holy mountain, Citraksi to by name, which was hardly accessible, high and big. This beautiful, attractive mountain was Ramas palace. Barata received this information with great interest. Immediately lie made his resolution to climb the inaccessible moun¬tain with his army. When Barata came, Laksmana gazed at him with doubt, for he thought that an enemy was coming. Therefore he kept his bow-ready and made himself ready by wearing his Armour, so that he was on his alert. His eyebrows were moving, whereas he was knitting his brows grimly.
But he did not see any weapon, nor any lance or shields. He saw no¬thing but horses, elephants and carriages which were flocking to¬gether in a sequence. But when Barata came nearer Laksmana re¬cognised him. After having thrown away-his bow, Laksmana went to his elder brother Rama to tell hint what happened. Barata with his army came quickly to lvama and all of them were greeting him. Then Barata told Rasun, t hat the king already passed away. Because of their deep sorrow all people were crying loudly. But they stopped immediately with their deep felt mourning and all of them were taking their purification bath.
When Rama finished his bath, lie started to speak : My be¬loved brother Barata, please do go back to Ayodhya. It was the will of the (late) king, that I am going (in exile) in the forests, and nothing more. Now you should succeed him as king and you should not be in doubt. Beside this, you possess excellent innumerable virtues. You are brave and experienced in the holy scripts and in governments policy. Therefore you are apt to he king and as Protector of your subjects you have the right to be honored. What is the use to have good virtues, if you cannot expose them in your quality as a king!
But when you are reluctant to be king, because I am staying in the forest, please pay attention to my words. Be obedient to your elder brother. I tell you (again), please go home and dont be very downhearted. What I want is, that there should be one who will keep an eye on the palace and that is you, my beloved brother. These were the words of Rama, who himself showed his excellent, unshakable and admirable character, since he tried to prevent his father to be accused as a promise breaker. But Barata who re¬ceived the order to go home and to be made king, refused to obey. He would like to show his obedience towards his elder brother by saving: What pleasure should I have by staying in the palace, (whereas I know) that you will experience many sufferings in these forests And beside this you are the right man in the right place to be king and to protect the world. Because you are older (than me), mightiful, having many virtues and heroic in battle. Look, all the horses, elephants, gold and jewels belong to you as king.
How could I have the dignity to possess all these things Could all the ministers and the commanders of the array serve me? Please do come back and beat ease the protector of the world. I am bereft of all kinds of virtues, whereas (on the contrary) your virtues can be compared with the Gangga-river. You are equal to the sun, the Himalaya-mountain and the ocean. You have judged me wrongly as to be powerful and to be virtuous. Your words are untrue and leading to error, even they are grievous to me. So were the words of the respectable son of Kekayi. While insist¬ing on Barata (to go back) Rama spoke these words : Please go back to Ayodhya my dear brother and please stay there. If you are unwilling to reign, please let my shoes act as king. Now the only task you have to perform is to protect the world. Do uphold the rules of chivalrous conduct and please do think. of it. Keep the asana as your guide and do consult time laws continuous¬ly. Please follow all commands written in the holy books ! By doing so, it will bring you happiness.
Please take care of the abodes of gods, hospitals and villages which have been exempted from paying tax, try to enlarge the gold reserve, to keep it and to spend it for useful purposes. You can spend as much money as you like, if only it will bring hap¬piness among your subjects. This means that you are performing your duty (dharma) while giving benefits (artha) and enjoying pleasures (kama). Please, act yourself according to the requirements of high moral life. Do free yourself front love and hatred, do suppress your envy an get rid of the capacity of your soul and your nature.
Do keep your discipline and what you are doing should win sympathy. For by showing an extraordinary self-opinion, oh my brother, a king will be ruined. As soon as you know what is your duty, you will be styled one who has divine wisdom. In battle, strong firmness as well as prowess are considered as (the highest) virtue. Be sincere when you are dona¬ting gifts to the Brahmins and high standing hermits. Do make your planning for the future in order to be able to guard the world and keep an eye (on the law and order). He who knows (how to judge) good qualities, is an expert in all kinds of merits. During a maneuver, he is giving the soldiers military training and is watching out carefully their ability. Those who excel (above the other), on account of his good qualities he will be pro¬moted to a higher rank. Those who are still below the minimum requirements, should have to undergo another training.
Anybody will respect the king, if lie knows the latters excellent virtues and who continuously with great effort tries to know what is good and what is bad (Especially) when he is willing to observe the suffering of his subjects. For, that is the eternal duty of the king who is engaged in these matters. He should help any kind of human effort and consolidate any kind of human activity. lie may not show any kind of humiliation even towards the most insignificant beings. A hero is called unrivaled, if lie has the strength of a lion and if he kills his enemies with great care. That is what should be always taken as an example. Exaggerated self-opinion should be avoided. One should not per¬form blameworthy deeds and (birth) from high-ranking family may not lead to intoxication. This is a friendly modesty.
My dear brother, the next should be taken into consideration. Do not disregard those who are asking yon for help, lime best (teachings) of the sastras should be practiced unceasingly. Although the teachings are difficult to be put in practice, one should try to act according to those teachings. By sticking to the tenets, one will have the true knowledge and from this the right conduct will be born. Please protect scholars, teachers and Brahmins, promote their affection towards you! Please, get yourself rid of people with crude characters because they only promote criminality, which means that the governments affair are deteriorating. In this case many good officers in the governments service as well as your best friends are withdrawing from you, whereas the enemies are coining nearby.
Try always to be gentle and friendly, do not show your weakness to those of whom you are afraid. An officer in the governments service is bad, if lie is careless, in this case he does not respect (his supe¬riors) and is impudent. He is comparable with goat, which is afraid of a tree which is standing erect. Suppose, this tree is standing aslant, the goat will climb gaylay in the tree to his very satisfaction, while lie is jumping up and down without any feeling of fear. It is great defect, if one is fond of drinking. The mind becomes be Wildered and careless by intoxication. He addresses humiliating words to other people, he becomes noisy and reckless. He is revealing secrets, which normally should be kept in secrecy. Please do not lie, for a lie will cause evil. In this case you will meet with misery and moreover you will be blamed. And an officer in the governments services who is obviously unfair, should not be trusted.
If you want to scold another, you should do it on the right way. Do not be attached at all to the enjoyment of your senses. Get rid of gambling and any forth of addiction. The above mentioned matters should be done in practice, if you are looking after the affaire within the territory of the county. Please take rare of the maintenance of the monasteries and keep an eye on the holy places and temples, roads, guest-houses, water springs, lakes, fish-ponds, dams, parks, markets, bridges and everything which the people need, those are the things which are the objects of your interest. Yon should train your elephants, chariots and horses continuously and keep it ready for battle. Please do give every in month bread and food to the seers. Increase the prosperity of the country with all effort and raise the power of unpaid labour. You should show the world that you are popular. Please keep an eye on all officials and officers in the governments service. Observe their virtues and their affections towards their master. When they are of good character and when they possess other kinds of good qualities, it is your duty to honour them, even if they do not belong to the higher castes, it is the better, if they belong to good families. In this case you should take 1 hem in your service. Do not give any distinction so quickly (The best thing is) that you should take the people on trial. Order thought to carry out a (difficult) task. If they succeed in it, bestow upon hear your honour.
If their virtue proves to be unshakable and there are serving the king with I heir heart, and soul, this will be the proof that you as a popular and your people love you as a radiant jewel. It is like wise with officers in the governments service, who are co¬vetous and treacherous, whether they are disturbing the country or are planning evil needs. You should pay - your attention for I here kinds of people by keeping an eye on then. With the help of a spy you are able to observe these bad people (It is the duty of any) king to make investigations concerning the truth of any fact. When the evil has been done, you should punish the evil-doer, when he its done it with malice aforethought. Sentence him to death if his deed is in accordance with the guilt. But do make a thorough investigation before hand. On the other hand you should bestow upon them your gifts and give them pleasure, if they are making their merits. This is now your right to bestow upon them your gifts and your right to punish there. Please, be equal to the Sun-god, he is warming the whole earth unwearied. Likewise a king- should destroy the evil-doers.
The moon causes affection and shows its sympathy to the whole world. So you should surely aet like tins my dear brother, if you intend to take care of your subjects. As a king you are to be compared with a mountain, the subjects can be compared with trees growing on it. As a result of the harmony between its greatness and it, insignificance, happiness comes into existence. The group of import ant, persons in the country is comparable to a forest arid in tiis case you are the lion, which is guarding it and has made the forest beautiful for the eyes. The care of agricultural affairs which should be done with great attention is the duty of the king. For from it come all kinds of food¬stuffs Which are also necessary for the states (administration). You should pay attention to your people of what they are complaining and please do not be deaf for them. There are five kinds of real dan¬gers, which tan overcome your subjects. Do uproot them!
Those are as follows: 1. If you officer in the governments service is seal by his superior suffers front the heat, 2. A big number of thin thieves, 3. If miss-behavior as well as crimes are taking place, everyday, 4. The existence of favourites which can be considered as belonging to the categories of big crimes, 5. the kings covetousness. These are the five big dangers. Therefore, my dear brother, keep an eye on any kind of your sub¬jects, whether they are intelligent or experienced in policy and whose discipline and characters are of high standard and whether they are not lying or are unbiased. You should be sure of their good and bad qualities, (in this case) you can prevent them from doing evil deeds.
Try to practice good policy, my dear hot her. sharpen your intuition and make these a part of your virtue. Trick your enemies into sur¬render and destroy then with the heat of the string so that nothing is left like water which is dried. Attack your enemies with all means and tricks. Do not suspend the Destruction of the villains ! Please keep it in your mind. An officer should have the consciousness that he is in governments service and that he should be loyal to the government. Beside this lie should know exactly- what are his do ties and that he should not refrain himself from doing good works. Get rid of the 1uigh¬ swollen pride of your mind and your heart, please suppress it! For it is the human nature that swollen pride, defiles and darkens the minds. Power and wisdom arc beneficial, and the pleasure to possess these two qualities is not small. Scholars who are deeply experienced in I he holy scripts, deserve your estimation. If you are equipped with numerous kinds of virtue my dear brother, then you wilt be sure I hat your people is loyal to you. Refrain yourself from intriguing and from mad fawning.
This is the duty of a king who is looking after his country in order to promote its welfare. He should watch with great love and feeling of humanity at the needs of the people. By doing this, he should follow carefully what the casanas are teaching. On account of this, the loyalty of your subjects to you is firm and they will not be wicked, whereas they are shunning frauds. There were the words of Rama, when he was instructing his younger brother to be firm in his mind. Baratas heart was very much delighted after having heard those lovely words. After having made respectful greetings, Barata took leave of Rama, the con¬queror and afterwards all the officers took leave too. Then the son of Kekayi went away to go home. He took with him the extraordinary fine shoes of Rama, which were honoured solemnly by the people of Ayodhya. Barata was residing in thus capital and was guarding the kingdom loyally.
Wulang-wulang Kejawen or lesson of life wisdom contained in the Javanese culture includes: the Javanese literature, proverbs, customs, many kinds of custom ceremonies, leather wayang, and other types of arts summarized in the theater, music, and fine arts. All this is in general symbolic in nature that needs an interpretation according to particular methods to be easily acceptable rationally. Wayang is one of the Indonesia-specific cultural treasures. The performance of wayang purwa is an expression and display of religious experiences summarizing many kinds of symbolic aspects such as language, movement, dance, voice, literature, color, and appearance. Wayang is able to present the proverbs encompassing education, knowledge, awareness, and consolation. The esthetical element is able to display poetic imagination for the religious advices that charm and tremble human soul.
The Javanese people call the moral teachings with such terms as unggah-ungguh, subasita, tata krama, tata susila, sopan santun, budi pekerti, wulang wuruk, pranatan, pituduh, pitutur, wejangan, wursita, duga prayoga, wewaler, and pitungkas. They will be successful in the community life when they perform empan papan, i.e. when they can appropriately place themselves in terms of unggah-ungguhing basa, kasar alusing rasa, and jugar genturing tapa. The moral messages among the Javanese people are communicated through arts, fairy tale, tembang, pitutur, piweling by the seniors from one generation to another. This is traceable in many sastra piwulangs. The traditional expressions like becik ketitik ala ketara, titena wong cidra mangsa langgenga and sura dira jayaningrat lebur dening pangastuti, which mean that the truth will be revealed and the evil will be noticeable, demonstrate that the existence and essence of morality is highly respected by the Javanese culture. Paku Alam VI created : Wayang Rama and Biografi Paku Alam I – VI.
According to Bratadiningrat (1990), genealogy of Paku Alam VI : name : K.P.H. Natakusuma. Wiosan dalem : Rebo Kliwon malem Kemis Legi 1784 Mangsa Kawolu Wuku Galungan Windu Kuntara Be 3 Ruwah, utawi 9 April 1856. Jumeneng dalem: Akat Kliwon 24 Besar Je 1830 Mangsa Sanga Wuku Madhangkungan Windu Sacaya 9 Juni 1902. Semare wonten Astana Girigondo. Kalurahan Kaligintung Kecamatan Temon Adikarta Kulon Progo. Garwa satunggal. Garwa ampil 2.
1. R.Ay. Permadiresmi, peputra B.R.M.H. Suryonataningrat.
2. R.Ay. Renggoasmoro, then has child, B.R.Ay. Notohadisuryo.
Para putra :
  1. B.R.Ay.A. Brotodiningrat Madun. Amirin.
  2. B.R.M.H. Surtia
  3. KGPAA Paku Alam VII. B.R.M. Surarjo.
  4. B.R.Ay. Mangkudiningrat, garwa G.P.H. Mangkudiningrat, putra Sampeyan dalem P.B. IX.
  5. B.R.Ay. Suryosurarso, garwa K.P.H. Suryosurarso putra dalem KGPAA Mangkunegoro V.
  6. K.P.H. Suryaningprang
  7. B.R.Ay. Wreksodiningrat putra K.P.H. Notodirojo. B.R.Aj. Sitiamirati
  8. B.R.M. Suryonatadiningrat
  9. B.R.Ay. Notohadisuryo. B.R.Aj. Susinah


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