Flowers Regards Angel Jabarail Padang Java

Hay Friends Of Bitter, Bitter Coffee Park this Time will invite you in the stile of the chat coffe shops on:
Flowers Regards Angel Jabarail Padang To Java
This city is the main seaport of teh west coast. Many bright sarung. Padang used to be the chief town of the rich Minangkabau area, though the focus has now shifted inland to the highland city of Bukittinggi. 

The Minangkabau language is very close to the Indonesian language and you’ll learn much Indonesian here. It is a very strich muslim town. In West Sumatra’s highland areas cattle are more pentiful and thus more meat is used in west Sumatran cooking than on Java. Tumeric and red pepper are used more often as well. The most famous dish is rendang, big pieces of roast buffalo of beef cooked for days in coconut milk until the meet becomes black, tought and a bit stringy. It can kept for a mont. It’s serve in gravy so thick it’s almost a paste, and hot as blazes. But dendeng is hotter still. Thinly cut pieces of dried beef are served in a chili sauce, with more red chili sprinkled on top. Makes your teeth bleed. But delicately flavour black tea with lime or lemon puts the fire out.

Afterwards for dessert, bananas, bananas, and more bananas. Sample also gulai itik (duck goulash), gulai rebuang (goulash with bamboo shoots) and sambal lado (chilies and other spices). There’s traditional house Rumah Gadang or big house is a traditional Minang dwellings. Their peaked roofs are reminiscent of the curved horneds of water buffaloes and of the woman ceremonial headdress. You can tell how many husbands and children a family’s daughters have by the number of extensions on the roof. Bedrooms are aside for daughters of the household and their husbands, and there’s a long common room for living and dining. Raised up to 3½ m off the ground, one must climb up and down the rumah gadang in a single piece of notched timber that’s pulled up quickly in case of enemies, tigers, and snakes. Each cluster of houses in a village is often the locale of one matrilineage.

Issues of the monthly magazine Padhalangan, including writings on Javanese art and culture, writings on wayang puppets, songs for the dalang and their musical writing, a wayang performance as prophecy of the future, songs and musical writing, the gamelan isntruments, phylosophical meaning of the wayang dialogue, the genealogy of Semar from Sri Harya Nurasa, the form of wayang, ksatriya behaviour, the performing arts, an article on Semar, Gareng, Petruk and Bagong appearing in the Mahabarata, and the phylosophical teaching of Hanoman to Wrekudara.

Collections of three wayang lakon: Padewan, tells about Durcitra informing Suyudana that Dursasana and Durjaya had been captures by the enemy and asking him to entreat the help of Baladewa and Kresna, and ended with Kresna ordering Madusekti to fight against Patih Endrapraja who then reassumed form as Batara Endra while Prabu Santyadarma reassumed form as Batra Guru adter being shot by Madusekti. Lobaningrat, tells about Yudhistira rodering Gathutkaca to request from Baladewa at Mandura the return of Sembadra following the dissappearance of Janaka, ended with the victory of Wrekudara and Gathutkaca againts the enemy from Sewu Nagara. Anggamaya, Tells about Suyudana, ordering Baladewa to propose marriage to Sembadra on the behalf of the king of Gajah Oya, and ended with the battle between Pandhawa and te Kurawa, which was won by the former.

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