Flowers Regards Angel Jabarail Java

Hay Friends Of Bitter, Bitter Coffee Park this Time will invite you in the stile of the chat coffe shops on:
Flowers Regards Angel Jabarail Java
Nabi Ibrahim
The legend of the prophet Ibrahim, tells about his departure for the Mecca to follow his second wife Dyah Dadarmanik and ended with Ibrahim meeting the angel Jabarail who avenged the former’s expulsion by the unbelievers of Kopar by turning the world upside down and causing their destruction.

Nabi Musa kaliyan Nabi Brahim
A history of the prophets Musa and Ibrahim, tells about a genealogy from the prophet Jakuntil the prophet Musa, continued with Jaka Pirangon’s arrival in the Bulki country from Ngerum to become a farmer, and ended with the prophet Istikla (Istiqal) being killed by the unbelievers of Mesir (Egypt).

Nagara Mirasa
A book on character-building in the story of a lazy king, tells about Prabu Kesed feeling discontent at his wonderful new palace without officials or food for him, and ended with Harya Wekel and Prabu Kesed marrying the daughters of Prabu Sendok, respectively Dewi Mlathi and Dewi Menur.

Names Keris
A writing on keris names and owners, tells about the keris made by the dewa and the first Javanese kings and their keris-makers (empu) from Maharaja Dewa Budha of Purwacarita and Empu Ramadi, ended with the keris made by Empu Sura on the order of Sunan Bonang of Demak in 1696.

A lakon in wayang story concerning events at Ngayodya, tells about the meeting between Sumantri and king Guha from Prayasa, and ended with the departure of king Barata to Nandigrama to wait the arrival of Regawa (Rama), to whom he returned his sandals and the kingdom of Ngayodya as payment for his part in Rama’s banishment, and the retired to become an ascetic at Nandigrama.

Ngelmi Pangrucat
A mystical writing on the absolute truth, life perfection, the inner feelings, desire, the human body, meditation, the human organs, endeavour and how to bring a wish to fulfilment.

A part from Panji epic, tells about the meeting between Kalana Jayengsari and the Princess of Nungsakencana; ended with Panji’s coronation as King of Jenggala kingdom with the title Prau Suryawisesa.

Nitisastra Kawi
Nitisastra Kawi, a kawi-modern Javanese glossary analyzing Kawi sentences. Hastakoswala, a work on the Baratayuda war as supposedly interpreted by Prabu Jayabaya, tells about the meeting at Wiratha between the Pandhawa, Kresna, and other kingly allies resolving to send Kresna to Ngastina to demand the Pandhawa’s rightfull heritage, ended with the coronation of Yudhistira as king of Ngastina, witnessed by Baladewa and Kresna, and the return of the kings of Wiratha and Cempala to their countries. With an appended account of Prabu Jayabaya as the last human incarnation of Wisnu, until his visit to the ascetic Subrata at gunung Padhang.

Nitik Kaprajan
Writing on the periods of development of Java since earliest times, names of Javanese kings, prime ministers (Patih), holy men (brahmana), persecutors (jaksa) and authors (pujangga), from the governance of Prabu Dewatacengkar of Medhang Kamulan to the governance of Paku Buwana IX. The names of the Dutch resident and asisstant resident in Surakarta and the duties of court officials are also mentioned. There also a writing on Javanese kingdoms and events, tells about the first settlement in Java, continued with the migration of the Ngerum people to Java, and ended with a description of the governance of Paku Buwana IX, his marriage to the daughter of Prince Hadiwijaya, her appointment as Kanjeng Ratu Pakubuwana and her bearing of Gusti Sayidin Malikul Husna.

Nitik Sultan Agung
A collection of mythic, pseudo-historical tales on the governance of Sultan Agung, tells about his lessons on statecraft and his love affair with Dewi Suwindi (Kanjeng Ratu Kidul), the daughter of Prabu Banjaransari of Pajajaran, and ended with the birth of Prince Puger to R.A. Palabuhan who died in childbirth and was buried to the west of the mosque in Plered. Also contain a classic book of Sultan Agung, tells about a list of the intimate family of Panembahan Senapati of Mataram, continued with the teachings of Panembahan Senapati to Sultan Agung about Islam and how to be a good ruler, and Kalijaga’s teachings to him on agriculture and ended with an account of the marriage of Sultan Agung with Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

Nitisuri Jatiswara
A history of the adventures of Kudapanulih, the son in law of Brawijaya of Majapahit, tells about a genecology from King Dumafi of Cempa to his great-grandsons, Jatiswara and ki Sejati, and ended with Jatiswara being crowned as Prabu Satmaka of Cempa.

Nusa Penida
Nusa Penida was once the Siberian of Bali, a panitentiary ‘demon’ isle of banishment for criminals ad undersirable subjects from the kingdom of Klungkung. This strait roughly marks the division between Asia and Oceania. As the Balinese say ‘Here the tigers end.’ Such a contrast to Bali. Nusa Penida is a dry hostile land where arid hills, big cacti, low trees, patches of green, small flowers, thorny bush, no surface water, and a few marsupilas live, or rather, survive. white cockatoos swarm in the trees. There are no rice lands and the people live on corn and cassava. The mountain folks are even worse off than the coastal villagers, who can eat at least a fish. The majority of the people don’t even speak of understand Indonesian, and many beg constantly wherever they see a white person.

A children’s reading book intended to educte pupils in the use of high (krama) and low (ngoko) Javanese, a children’s reading book, including sevral moralistic didactic stories, children’s reding book, including short stories on morals and character-building, love relation between husband and wife, etc.

Extracts from Wulang Reh Sarta Ondhe, Sirtumaya and Antawecana. Wulang Reh sarta Ondhe, lessons on statecraft, moral education and how to serve the king, continued with an extract from the Wicara Keras on how to educate children in an unauthoritarian manner. Sirtumaya, a lakon in wayang story on the marriage proposal of Prabu Sirtumaya of Toko Rukma to Leksmanawati, the daughter of Prabu Suyudana, while Nakula abducted the former’s younger sister. Antawecana, writing on memorable events, tells about the earthquake in 1867, continued with a conversation between a father and son about the Javanese kings from Sultan Demak in 1481 to the circumcision of the Yogyakarta crown prince 1884.

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