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Legenda Gunung Kemukus
Mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu bahwa ada ritual mencari pesugihan semacam babi ngepet dan lainya dilakukan orang di Gunung Kemukus, Sragen, Jawa Tengah. Untuk mendapatkan pesugihan itu, konon harus berhubungan intim dengan pasangan tidak sah.
Bukan hanya Indonesia, media luar negeri juga kerap membahas Gunung Kemukus karena keunikan ritual masyarakatnya. Bahkan, situs-situs besar luar negeri juga pernah membahas soal ritual dewasa yang dilakukan di Gunung Jawa Tengah tersebut. Saat ini, lokasi tersebut sangat populer, bahkan sampai mengundang para wisatawan untuk datang.
Bukan hanya Indonesia, media luar negeri juga kerap membahas Gunung Kemukus karena keunikan ritual masyarakatnya. Bahkan, situs-situs besar luar negeri juga pernah membahas soal ritual dewasa yang dilakukan di Gunung Jawa Tengah tersebut. Saat ini, lokasi tersebut sangat populer, bahkan sampai mengundang para wisatawan untuk datang.
Mount Kemukus or Gunung Kemukus (known as Ses Mountain) is a hilltop Javanese shrine in Sragen Regency, 28 kilometres (17 mi) northeast of Solo, where people from across Indonesia flock to honor a local saint. Every 35 days, rituals are conducted that involve adulterous ses.
Conservative Muslim groups have threatened to shut down the site in the past, but police arrived to prevent it. In November 2014, the governor of the province of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, reacted to a film by an Australian journalist, which had been broadcast by SBS One, that portrayed Mount Kumukus as 'Ses Mountain' and scandalized the local ritual practices.
He issued a ban on the tradition of engaging in ses at site; he said that the local practice was hazardous in terms of health - indeed, sesually transmitted diseases in the area are on the rise - and morality, and that it was shameful that the matter had attracted the attention of the outside world.
The ban which also prohibited renting rooms to pilgrims caused a collapse of ritual activities at Mount Kemukus with devastating effects to the local economy. The income of the 262 families, who live at Mount Kemukus, decreased by 90 per cent. Therefore, most shops are closed and many families, who were never engaged in the ses business, have left the area.
The shrine is that of legendary prince Pangeran Samodro, son of a Javanese king, and his stepmother Nyai Ontrowulan. Legend has it that they ran away together and lived at Gunung Kemukus.
It is believed that if you do something even more shameful there, such as having adulterous ses, then you will be blessed with good fortune. It must be done on the auspicious day of Jumat Pon, when the Friday on the Gregorian calendar intersects with one of the five days of the ancient Javanese calendar.
The shrine attracts up to 8,000 pilgrims on the busiest nights and has an entry fee of around 5,000 rupiah (around 50 US cents).
Devotees have been trekking up Kemukus in the current fashion since the late 19th century and only in the 1980s were hostels added - with couples having ses under the trees prior to that.
The ritual involves first prayers and offerings of flowers at the grave of Pangeran Samodro and Nyai Ontrowulan. Pilgrims must then wash themselves at one of the sacred springs on the hill and find a stranger and have ses with them. They need to have ses seven times. That is every 35 days, so it is a relationship that lasts around a year. So the couples have to make a significant commitment to each other. They need to exchange mobile phone numbers and addresses and decide where to meet again, so they can complete the ritual. Most people who do the ritual are small business owners. They hope that if they carry out the ritual their business will improve and they will make good money and be successful.
According to Floribertus Rahardi, an Indonesian writer who has studied the ritual, “People believe that they [Pangeran Samodro and Nyai Ontrowulan] committed incest in that place, but before they had finished having ses they were chased by the soldiers of Demak, killed, and buried together in the one hole. From there, the word emerged that whoever can finish off their ses act will receive blessings from Nyai Ontrowulan.”
The ritual is not seen anywhere else in Indonesia or the rest of the Muslim world. It is a very Javanese blend of religious ideals with Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist influences, associated with Kebatinan.
Mereka bertujuan untuk mencari pasangan melakukan ritual pesugihan itu.
Bagaimana sebenarnya ritual ini bisa menjadi semacam tata cara dan menjadi semacam tradisi yang sesat?
Conservative Muslim groups have threatened to shut down the site in the past, but police arrived to prevent it. In November 2014, the governor of the province of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, reacted to a film by an Australian journalist, which had been broadcast by SBS One, that portrayed Mount Kumukus as 'Ses Mountain' and scandalized the local ritual practices.
He issued a ban on the tradition of engaging in ses at site; he said that the local practice was hazardous in terms of health - indeed, sesually transmitted diseases in the area are on the rise - and morality, and that it was shameful that the matter had attracted the attention of the outside world.
The ban which also prohibited renting rooms to pilgrims caused a collapse of ritual activities at Mount Kemukus with devastating effects to the local economy. The income of the 262 families, who live at Mount Kemukus, decreased by 90 per cent. Therefore, most shops are closed and many families, who were never engaged in the ses business, have left the area.
The shrine is that of legendary prince Pangeran Samodro, son of a Javanese king, and his stepmother Nyai Ontrowulan. Legend has it that they ran away together and lived at Gunung Kemukus.
It is believed that if you do something even more shameful there, such as having adulterous ses, then you will be blessed with good fortune. It must be done on the auspicious day of Jumat Pon, when the Friday on the Gregorian calendar intersects with one of the five days of the ancient Javanese calendar.
The shrine attracts up to 8,000 pilgrims on the busiest nights and has an entry fee of around 5,000 rupiah (around 50 US cents).
Devotees have been trekking up Kemukus in the current fashion since the late 19th century and only in the 1980s were hostels added - with couples having ses under the trees prior to that.
The ritual involves first prayers and offerings of flowers at the grave of Pangeran Samodro and Nyai Ontrowulan. Pilgrims must then wash themselves at one of the sacred springs on the hill and find a stranger and have ses with them. They need to have ses seven times. That is every 35 days, so it is a relationship that lasts around a year. So the couples have to make a significant commitment to each other. They need to exchange mobile phone numbers and addresses and decide where to meet again, so they can complete the ritual. Most people who do the ritual are small business owners. They hope that if they carry out the ritual their business will improve and they will make good money and be successful.
According to Floribertus Rahardi, an Indonesian writer who has studied the ritual, “People believe that they [Pangeran Samodro and Nyai Ontrowulan] committed incest in that place, but before they had finished having ses they were chased by the soldiers of Demak, killed, and buried together in the one hole. From there, the word emerged that whoever can finish off their ses act will receive blessings from Nyai Ontrowulan.”
The ritual is not seen anywhere else in Indonesia or the rest of the Muslim world. It is a very Javanese blend of religious ideals with Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist influences, associated with Kebatinan.
Ritual di Gunung Kemukus banyak dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mencari jalan pintas untuk menjadi kaya. Di gunung ini, ratusan warga dari berbagai wilayah di Jawa terutama datang berduyun-duyun ke Gunung Kemukus ini.Mereka bertujuan untuk mencari pasangan melakukan ritual pesugihan itu.
Bagaimana sebenarnya ritual ini bisa menjadi semacam tata cara dan menjadi semacam tradisi yang sesat?
Tempat ritual ini berada di Gunung Kemukus tepatnya terletak di Desa Pendem, Kecamatan Sumber Lawang, Kabupaten Sragen, 30 km sebelah utara Kota Solo. Untuk mencapai daerah ini tidak terlalu sulit, dari Solo bisa naik bus jurusan Purwodadi dan turun di Belawan, dari situ di sebelah kiri jalan akan ditemukan pintu gerbang yang bertuliskan "Daerah Wisata Gunung Kemukus", dari gerbang tersebut kita bisa naik ojek atau berjalan kaki menuju tempat penyeberangan dengan perahu.
Gunung Kemukus identik sebagai kawasan wisata ranjang goyang karena di tempat ini orang bisa sesuka hati mengonsumsi pesta hasrat bebas dengan alasan untuk menjalani laku ritual ziarahnya, itulah syarat kalau mereka ingin kaya dan berhasil.
Dalam suatu aturan yang tidak resmi diwajibkan bahwa setiap peziarah harus berziarah ke makam Pangeran Samudro sebanyak 7 kali yang biasanya dilakukan pada malam Jumat Pon dan Jumat Kliwon atau pada hari-hari dan bulan yang diyakini baik, melakukan hubungan intim dengan seseorang yang bukan suami atau istrinya. Tapi jika ingin membawa pasangan sendiri pun tidak jadi masalah.
Acara ritual hubungan ranjang goyang di Gunung Kemukus ini ada yang menganggap hanya sebuah legenda rakyat daerah. Zaman dulu dikisahkan tentang seorang Pangeran dari Kerajaan Majapahit yang bernama Pangeran Samudro bangsawan ini berasal dari kerajaan Majapahit tapi ada juga yang menyebutnya berasal dari zaman Kerajaan Pajang.
Menurut cerita, Pangeran Samudro ini jatuh cinta kepada ibunya sendiri yaitu Dewi Ontrowulan. Ayahanda Pangeran Samudro yang mengetahui hubungan anak-ibu tersebut menjadi murka dan kemudian mengusir Pangeran Samudro.
Setelah diusir oleh ayahnya inilah Pangeran Samudro melakukan perjalanan hingga akhirnya sampai ke Gunung Kemukus, tidak lama kemudian sang ibunda menyusul anaknya ke Gunung Kemukus untuk melepaskan kerinduan.
Singkat cerita, ibu dan anak yang tengah dilanda asmara ini melepas kerinduan setelah sekian lama tidak bertemu. Namun, sebelum sempat ibu dan anak ini melakukan hubungan intim, penduduk sekitar memergoki mereka berdua yang kemudian merajamnya secara beramai-ramai hingga keduanya meninggal dunia.
Keduanya kemudian dikubur dalam satu liang lahat di gunung itu juga. Menurut cerita lainnya, sebelum menghembuskan napasnya yang terakhir Pangeran Samudro sempat meninggalkan sebuah pesan yaitu kepada siapa saja yang dapat melanjutkan hubungan suami-istrinya yang tidak sempat terlaksana itu akan terkabul semua permintaannya.
Baiklah aku menyerah,
Tapi dengarlah sumpahku.
Siapa yang mau meniru perbuatanku,
Itulah yang menebus dosaku dan aku akan membantunya dalam bentuk apapun.
Begitulah isi sumpah yang dilontarkan Pangeran Samudro sebelum akhirnya wafat.
Dari cerita legenda tentang Pangeran Samudro inilah ritual di Gunung Kemukus seolah menjadi ajang pesta hubungan intim untuk meminta kekayaan. Jika berhasil, kedua pasangan yang bukan sah sebagai suami istri ini harus bertemu kembali untuk melakukan selamatan dan syukuran di Gunung Kemukus itu kembali.
Jika ingkar, maka kedua pasangan yang telah berjanji di makam Pangeran Samudro ini, akan jatuh miskin kembali. Bahkan, menurut mitos dan kepercayaan warga mereka atau titisan kedua pasangan yang melakukan ritual melakukan hubungan intim berdua itu akan mengalami celaka.
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