Hay Sahabat Bitter, kali ini Bitter Coffee Park akan mengajak Kalian Ngobrol ala Obrolan Warung Kopi tentang:
Peradaban/ bangsa yang mempunyai pasukan wanita paling ganas
Biasanya wanita identik dengan keanggunan, dan kelembutan. Namun, tahukah Sahabat Bitter bahwa di Zaman dahulu kala ada sebuah paaukan elit wanita yang di takuti dan terkenal keganasannya.
Tentu saja ini berbalik dari sifat wanita pada umumnya.
Berikut adalah ulasannya:
Peradaban Bangsa yang mempunyai pasukan wanita paling ganas
The Amazons.
Bukan… bukan Amazon yang itu.
Inilah The Real Amazons, atau dikenal sebagai Dahomey Amazons.
Dahomey adalah negara kecil di Afrika Barat di antara Togo dan Nigeria. Tidak ada di peta modern, karena pada tahun 1975 namanya diubah menjadi Benin.
Luas 115.000 km², populasi 11 jutaan. Artinya (rata-rata) ada 100 orang per km². Sebagian besar wilayah negara ini tidak berpenghuni karena separuh penduduknya tinggal di kota-kota sepanjang pantai.
GDP per kapita US $842, menjadikannya salah satu negara termiskin di dunia. Dengan 40% populasi hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan, 70% mengandalkan pertanian.
Dahomey sangat miskin sehingga anak-anak sering dijual oleh orang tuanya seharga US $15.
Namun jika ditelisik kembali pada abad 18-19, Kerajaan Dahomey kaya dan makmur. Berlokasi di pantai budak Afrika. Salah satu pantai tersibuk di dunia.
Kerajaan ini didirikan oleh kaum Fon pada abad 16 dan berjaya pada awal abad 17 ketika dipimpin Raja Dakodonou.
Putra Dakodonou, yaitu Houegbadja membangun Istana Kerajaan Abomey pada pertengahan abad ke-17 (sekarang menjadi situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO).
Kompleks seluas 40 hektar terdiri dari 12 istana, barak, dan desa yang dilindungi tembok sepanjang 10 km dengan tebal 0,5 m dan tinggi 3 m. Di tembok ini terdapat enam pintu gerbang dengan relief tradisional yang indah. Inilah ibu kota kerajaan selama 12 generasi dinasti Aja.
Cucu Houegbadja, yaitu Raja Agaja, memulai militerisasi Dahomey pada awal abad 18 untuk menaklukkan tetangganya seperti Savi, Allada dan Whydah serta untuk mempertahankan diri dari Kekaisaran Oyo Yoruba di utara.
Dari hasil mengelola pelabuhan budak itu, pasukan mereka tumbuh besar dilengkapi senjata api dan senjata tajam dari baja.
Sayangnya gara-gara aset itulah yang menjadikan alasan Kekaisaran Oyo Yoruba melancarkan serangan besar-besaran terhadap Dahomey pada 1728.
Setelah pertempuran sengit selama 4 hari, kavaleri Yoruba justru memenangkan peperangan.
(ilustrasi pasukan kavaleri Oyo Yaruba)
Adalah Raja Agaja yang mendirikan pasukan elit wanita yang dikenal sebagai Mino atau N'Nonmiton (dalam bahasa Fon artinya: ibu kita). Sebagian besar direkrut dari anak-anak Ahosi (istri raja). Beberapa desa mengirimkan perempuan "susah diatur" untuk mendaftar (di antaranya masih berusia 8 tahun), sebagian lagi adalah tawanan dari negara tetangga, dan sisanya bergabung secara sukarela.
Tugas Dahomey adalah pelindung Kerajaan dan melayani Kekaisaran Oyo.
Pada tahun 1818, Shelley menerbitkan Ozymandias dan Lord Byron mulai menulis Don Juan, serta Lord Hastings memenangkan perang Anglo-Maratha Ketiga.
Pada tahun yang sama, Raja Ghezo mengambil alih tahta dari saudaranya. Penyokong utama kekuatan militer dan keuangan adalah pedagang budak dari Brasil, Francisco Félix de Sousa.
Selama hidupnya, Dahomey Amazon begitu kental dengan kehidupan militer sehingga terkenal sebagai "Black Sparta".
Mereka berpakaian seperti pria dan dilarang menjalin hubungan dengan pria. Banyak yang mati masih dalam keadaan perawan. Mereka menjalani latihan fisik yang intens dan dilatih secara emosional agar tidak punya rasa takut dan tanpa ampun.
Tombak, pedang, perisai, tongkat, pisau, adalah asesoris standar. Satuan khusus juga menggunakan senapan buatan Belanda. Dan Reaper, kesatuan elit, memegang pisau sepanjang satu meter yang melengkung tajam.
Dahomey Amazon ini pada dasarnya adalah sekelompok pasukan beringas yang dilatih seperti Spartan, diorganisir seperti unit Hoplite dan diberi perlengkapan seperti Musketeer.
Moto mereka adalah Conquer or Die, bersumpah untuk mati menghadapi musuh. Anggota Amazon yang melarikan diri dari pertempuran tanpa adanya perintah Raja akan dieksekusi di tempat.
Pada pertengahan abad 19, menurut pedagang Eropa, pasukan Amazon ini berjumlah lebih dari 6.000 orang. sepertiga dari total seluruh pasukan Dahomian.
Tapi, perdagangan budak Dahomey mulai bermasalah. Angkatan Laut Inggris memblokade Dahomey agar menghentikan perdagangan, sementara Prancis mulai mengambil alih pelabuhan di sepanjang pantai.
Untuk menjaga agar pemasukan tetap mengalir, orang-orang Fon mulai merampas harta milik Prancis.
Ini bukan ide yang bagus. Karena mereka sudah dilemahkan Inggris dan sekutunya. Ada pula insiden pembunuhan Raja Ghezo dan orang-orang Dahom tidak akan mampu menghadapi peralatan modern dari Prancis.
Perang Perancis-Dahomian berlangsung pada tahun 1892-1894. Mereka dikalahkan Prancis yang bersenjata Gatling, senjata mematikan yang mampu menembak 200 peluru per menit. Ini adalah generasi awal senjata Maxim yang akhirnya menaklukkan seluruh Afrika.
Ini adalah akhir dari Kerajaan Dahomey, dinasti Aja dan Amazon. Berlanjut menjadi era Dahomey Prancis. Hingga 1960 akhirnya merdeka dan menjadi Republik Dahomey.
Nawi, seorang anggota pasukan Amazon terakhir yang berhasil selamat, akhirnya meninggal di Benin pada tahun 1978 di usia lebih dari 100 tahun. Itu adalah akhir dari prajurit wanita paling ganas yang pernah ada dalam sejarah.
Well, tunggu dulu...
Pada 1980-an, Kolonel Gaddafi dari Libya juga membentuk unit perempuan untuk keamanan pribadi. Pasukan ini dijuluki sebagai Penjaga Amazon oleh media Barat dan al-rahibat al-thawriyyat oleh pemerintah Libya.
Tahun 1998, pernah ada upaya pembunuhan terhadap Kolonel. Dan Aisha, menjadikan tubuhnya sebagai perisai (akhirnya meninggal).
Setelah kematian diktator pada tahun 2011, pasukan perempuan ini dibubarkan. Sebagian besar menghilang begitu saja, sebagian lagi muncul membawa kisah-kisah pelecehan yang dilakukan oleh Gaddafi.
Dan akhirnya, inilah akhir dari Legenda Dahomey Amazon.
Tapi, pada tahun 2018, muncul reinkarnasi lain dari mereka. Kali ini di layar kaca:
Amazon foreva!
(sengaja bukan Amazon yang itu, karena bukan berlatar Afrika)
Meet the Amazons.
No. Not those Amazons. We are not sure if they existed. And, even if they did, we know very little of them.
Let’s meet the real Amazons, also known as the Dahomey Amazons.
Dahomey is a small country in West Africa wedged between Togo and Nigeria. You wouldn’t find it on a modern map, because in 1975 its name was changed to Benin. Area about 115,000 km²; population about 11,000,000, with some 100 people living per km². Much of the country is largely uninhabitable, hence half the people live in the cities along the coast.
Nominal GDP per capita is US$ 842.00, making it one of the poorest countries on earth, with 40% of the population living below the poverty line, 70% relying of subsistence farming. Dahomey, I mean Benin, is so poor that children are often sold by their parents for as little as US$ 15.00 (almost 8,500.00 in West African CFA franc). Benin doesn’t look like much at all.
You need to go back to the 18th and 19th centuries to find the Kingdom of Dahomey, a rich and prosperous kingdom on a key location on the African slave coast. The kingdom was founded by Fon people in 16th century, and came to prominence in early 17th century when Dakodonou became king.
Dakodonou’s son Houegbadja built the Royal Palaces of Abomey in mid 17th century, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. This 40 hectares (100 acres) complex of 12 palaces, barracks and villages was protected by a 10 km long, 0.5 m thick and more than 3 m high walls punctuated by six gates, as well as some finest examples of west African traditional bas-relief. It was the capital city for 12 generations of kings of the Aja dynasty.
Houegbadja’s grandson King Agaja started militarisation of Dahomey in early 18th century. His effort was to subdue its neighbours like Savi, Allada and Whydah, and to defend against the Oyo Empire of the Yoruba in the north.
With all the money and goodies they were getting from running some the busiest slave ports in the world, their army was grew to be formidable, with guns and steel weapons. It was the right asset for the Oyo Empire, which led to the Yoruba launching a major attack on Dahomey in 1728. After four days of fierce battle the superior numbers Yoruba cavalry prevailed over Fon infantrymen armed with guns.
It was King Agaja who founded the elite female force know as the Mino or N'Nonmiton (lit. our mothers) in Fon language. A group of women mostly recruited from the children of the Ahosi (lit. kings wives). Some villages sent “difficult” women to enrol, some captives from neighbouring nations were drafted too, and a few women joined voluntarily. They were the royal guards in the century or so that Dahomey was a tributary of the Oyo Empire.
In 1818, the year when Shelley published Ozymandias and Lord Byron started writing Don Juan, and Lord Hastings won the Third Anglo-Maratha war, King Ghezo overtook the throne from his brother. His principal finacial and military supporter was the Brazilian born slave trader Francisco Félix de Sousa.
During his time Dahomey was so militarised that it became famed as a “black Sparta”. Two of his early work was to expand and improve the army, and reshape the Amazons Unit. By now women and girls of violent traits were recruited from the villages, voluntarily or involuntarily, some as young as 8 year old.
They dressed like men. They were generally off-limits for men. Many died virgins. They went to through intense physical training amid thorn bushes, and were emotionally trained to be fearless and merciless. The bravest wore waist belts of acacia thorns. Spears, swords, shields, clubs, knives, were standard issue. A special unit also wielded Dutch-made muskets, and Reapers, the elite of elites, wielded the three-foot-long razor sharp (and ominously curved) Dahomian sword. They were the King’s personal guards.
This was essentially a band of berserkers trained like Spartans and organised into hoplite units with musketeer equipment. No shields. These Amazons didn’t carry defensive equipment. Surprised? May be you are forgetting Pictish warriors whose only armour was the blue paint on their bodies. They were in the habit of cutting of heads of enemies and piling them up in a gory heap.
Their motto was to “Conquer or Die”, sworn to an oath to die facing the enemy. Any Amazons that fled a battle without being ordered to withdraw by the King himself were summarily executed on the spot. By mid-19th century the Amazons, as they were popularly called by European traders, numbered over 6,000, a full one third of the Dahomian army. Commaders of Amazon Units were members of Grand Council, the Kings advisory board.
But, the unabated slave trade of Dahomey became a problem in two ways. The British Navy blockaded Dahomey to stop the trade, while the French started taking over ports along the slave coast to get a better share of the trade, though they didn’t trade in slaves themselves. Desperate to keep the revenues flowing in Fon people started raiding French possessions for slaves.
It was not a good idea. Already weakened by the British and their allies like Abeokuta, and assassination of King Ghezo, the Dahomians were poorly equipped to face the modern equipment and techniques of the French. The Franco-Dahomean War went on from 1892 to 1894, when the French captured the city of Abomey and King Béhanzin, grandson of King Ghezo.
The Amazons were defeated and destroyed in the two Franco-Dahomian Wars, particularly at the Battle of Adégon on 6 October 1892 and the Battle of Cana on 2–4 November 1892 . They were no match for what the French brought into the play — the Gatling gun, a deadly weapon capable of shooting 200 rounds per minute in the .58 calibre model that made the difference in Spanish-American War. It was the precursor of the Maxim gun that eventually subdued all Africa.
That was the end of the Kingdom of Dahomey, the Aja dynasty and the Amazons, and the beginning of French Dahomey, which continued till 1960, when it went independent as Republic of Dahomey.
Nawi, the last surviving Amazon, died in Benin in 1978 at the age of more than 100 years. That was the end of the most ferocious female warriors ever in history. Well, not quite…
In the 1980s Colonel Muammad Gaddafi of Libya formed his own all-female unit for personal security, dubbed as Amazonian Guard by western media and al-rahibat al-thawriyyat by Libiyan governement. When there was an assassination attempt on the Colonel in 1998, his favourite, Aisha, stopped the bullet with her own body, and died. In 2006 they sparked a diplomatic incidence in Nigeria when 200 Amazonian Guards refused to disarm at the airport.
After the dictator’s death in 2011, they were disbanded. Most just vanished, some came forward with tales of abuse by Gaddafi. And, that should be the end of the legend of the Dahomey Amazons. But, then came 2018, and another reincarnation of them. This time on screen:
Amazons forever!
Some interesting links:
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