Apa sebenarnya tujuan belajar?

Hay Sahabat Bitter, kali ini Bitter Coffee Park akan mengajak Kalian Ngobrol ala Obrolan Warung Kopi tentang: 
Apa sebenarnya tujuan belajar?
Reinvent your strategies for the world is changing.. the people are changing... technology is changing. Just being
Conventional business wisdom says,being first in the market allows you to set standards and might help gain leadership in your field.But reality is not that simple.

If you thought hotmail.com was the first to offer free email; Amazon was the first to sell books online; eBay was the first auction site or that Starbucks was the first to start a coffee shop, you could not be wronger.

Instead Juno was the first to offer free email; Books.com was the first online book store (1996) and Peets was the first to launch the concept of coffee shop.

There is no guarantee of continued dominance where technological innovation is possible.

FedEx was not the originator of 'Overnight Delivery' but certainly has mastered it.

Just being a pioneer is no big deal. Nearly half of all market pioneers fail.

Chucks invented the disposable diapers, yet it is Pampers(of P&G) which is the leader. It was not CocaCola or PepsiCo that invented the diet cola but a company called Royal Crown Cola.

History is a proof that those are not necessarily the largest,strongest or fastest that survive, but the ones who are ready to ADAPT.

In the present Scenario, it's not the fittest that survive.Instead, that glory is reserved for the "adaptable".
if you adapt , you can 'fit' in any environment & survive.

Tujuan belajar mungkin tersirat dalam ungkapan Stephen Hawking (1942–2018), fisikawaan Inggris, yang berbunyi:
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

Terjemahan bebasnya:
Kecerdasan adalah kemampuan beradaptasi dengan perubahan.

Karena kecerdasan dan belajar memiliki hubungan fungsional yang sangat kuat, maka bisa ditegaskan bahwa tujuan belajar adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan diri merespon perubahan.

Definisi di atas tidak hanya berlaku bagi manusia, tetapi juga pada bangsa binatang. Binatang perlu belajar untuk menghadapi perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungannya: iklim, cuaca, penyakit, pemangsa.
Hanya makhluk yang mampu merespon perubahan lingkungan secara tepat yang akan survive. Manusia, lebih dari itu. Perubahan yang dihadapinya bukan hanya lingkungan fisika-kimia, melainkan juga lingkungan sosial yang sangat complicated karena mencakup semua aspek peradaban: budaya, agama dan keyakinan, ekonomi, politik, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

BL, 26 Mei 2019

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