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Do I have to use my real name on Quora? What is Quora's ‘real names’ policy?
CMB Rodenkirch, Stay at Home Mom-20 + Years Experience at Stay-at-Home Parents (1990-present)
You know, there really are people who will tattle just for the sake of tattling. Quora, you are encouraging bullies of this nature and making them feel more powerful in their control over the fates of others. Even in kindergarten we were taught not to tattle on our classmates. Why? Because even at that age there were those who enjoyed watching someone get punished for something they didn’t do. Imagine the power of just your word! Do you verify the integrity of someone who “reports” a fake name? I’m ashamed that you would encourage this behavior. I understand your reasons for your policy. Some of them even make sense. But why in the world would you care if someone used their initials to protect their identity? As long as they’re using their real initials! Can’t someone register under their own name and use part of it as their screen name? Then at least they would still have to be accountable to someone. Isn’t that the whole point? If anyone is that proud of the knowledge they have about a subject, then they have the freedom to use their whole name, right? This business of being a “top writer” is just silly. A competition, or bragging rights for having the most time to be at your computer asking and answering questions? Is that respect? And who knows, maybe they’re making up their answers! What good is it to be a respected contributor if there’s no one here to respect you? And again, do you verify the knowledge of those answering questions? Of course not. Because someone with more knowledge will be right there to report them. It would be just as effective at keeping “weirdos” out. And I do want to keep out the angry ranters and racists and other haters. But you will also keep out real thoughts, real opinions, and those looking for help, knowledge, information or just socialization. I have really enjoyed my time being involved with Quora. I love learning and it’s nice to have people to discuss things with. But I did it with what I expected was the option of being myself without the need for everyone to know who I am. There are some opinions that are strong enough that you might not want people close to you knowing about. Not to hide anything but to avoid controversy. There are some people you might not want to know who you are, where you live, and what you do for a living. Do you do background checks? That would probably be discriminatory. Anyway, I’ve enjoyed our very short time together but my thoughts and opinions are just not important enough to put myself out there, make myself vulnerable, and support some really, frankly odd practices. I guess I know that whoever customer support person is reading this, you could care less about how I feel. That it’s futile pouring my time and energy into a long narrative that likely won’t be seen by anyone who can actually change things. But I feel better getting it off my chest. You won’t miss me and my Journal is getting lonely anyway. It just seems almost like it’s you who are the ones who are supposed to do the reporting if there are certain people with strange ideas. Or a little too much knowledge. Yes, I read a book about that once. It could happen.
Hazel Angus, There is no shame in ignorance, we all are until we learn.
I just got dinged for using a fake name - I changed my real name to an obviously-fake one that I found amusing. Either I’d not seen or been told that Quora required real names, or far more likely, I’d seen it and then completely forgotten. WHOOPS.
But no big, Quora mods are quite reasonable, I was just prevented from editing until I changed the name back. So I did and my ability to edit was duly restored in less than five minutes (significantly less, in fact). The message from Quora was polite and factual, I didn’t feel like I was being “told off”, just made aware. It also provided a link to this question, which was helpful.
- I can think of several situations where it could be extremely dangerous to post under your real name.
- Fleeing an abusive relationship or family
- Fleeing dangerous people in other ways (drug gangs, other organised crime groups, etc)
- Being gay or otherwise non-heterosesual and/ or non-cisgender in a part of the world where that is illegal (or where it is technically legal but socially still very unsafe to be out)
- Living your life in such a way that your Government (or other official bodies or family/ friends/ neighbours) would make your life hard or impossible if they knew you were posting certain things - if you are living in certain very repressive regimes, speaking out against certain tyrannical politicians, being Christian where it is illegal, being the ‘wrong’ kind of Muslim, being a member of a certain political party, etc etc etc.
It seems to me that Quora deals with all of that by allowing you to post questions and answers anonymously. It’s still a little awkward of course, as it means that those who might want to follow someone who regularly posts about their abusive spouse because they also have/had an abusive spouse and find support reading it (for example), cannot do so if that person posts answers anonymously. However, there are other sites which will allow you to read writing of that nature and you can still read that type of writing on here anyway, you just can’t identify or follow the writer.
Furthermore, I can see a benefit to requiring real names.
Hopefully Quora have ways of dealing with, for example, people whose names aren’t obviously English/ Spanish/ White European-descended, and/ or people who are trans or non-binary and may be using a name other than their legal name. I know of both male and female trans individuals taking quite unusual-sounding names for themselves when they transitioned. The names were what everybody called them, but may not have been the name they were identified as on legal documents - either hadn’t officially changed names yet or were unable to do so (or chose not to) for whatever reason. It would be weird and confusing if a woman was forced to post under the name of Archibald Ramsbottom…
Answered· Upvoted by Flynn Tentrees, Beloved Quoran at Quora (2017-present)
Yes, you have to use your real name on Quora UNLESS you’re one of the privileged users. Quora will never publicly admit to allowing certain people to use fake names, but they do.
Hell, I’ve even seen some people openly talk about changing their names here. I also know of several people that have told me in private that they are using a pseudonym.
Have any of those people been flagged for a fake name? No.
Yet despite showing a plethora of documents containing my real name, I have been edit-blocked at least 5 times now. Just recently I was edit-blocked again. There seems to be a troll or a group of trolls that report me for a fake name. I find it absolutely absurd that Quora does nothing to these false accusers. In my opinion they should all be banned.
Now, as you will see in the next photos, this type of harassment has been going on for months.
I just put my middle initial in my name so I could be temporarily allowed to post. As you can also see, these guys are a little slow to respond. I really hate to put them on blast like this, but their hypocrisy and incompetence really grinds my gears.
Also, ban the people reporting me.
The Federalist Papers were written by using a pseudonym.
Victims of rape, violence, abuse, users of drugs, those who are trying to quit, they ALL benefit a great deal from a forum where they can talk openly without giving away their identity. Forcing people in general (and those who are vulnerable!) to reveal their full name can cause embarrassment in front of those who know them (especially considering that controversial/ very personal/ health-related subjects might be discussed!!!!) and unnecessarily expose them to people they should be protected from. And yes, some people may wish to remain hidden from potential ex-spouses, employers, relatives, parents and the like.
Not being able to talk openly also doesn't help others on the forum either if one has to modify one's answer because of fear that "people who know me might read what I posted".
This policy only contributes to users with the above mentioned issues and desire for anonymity to cancel their account and sign up with a new name, and Quora can certainly NOT and should NOT ask every single member for a govt issues ID - doesn't sound much like a free country if they do.
Facebook users do not abide by Facebook's real name policy either--- many are names that do not exist (I know dozens personally), and Facebook cannot check millions of users one by one and it would be like BIG BROTHER if they did.
Sean Sanders, Wrote over 5,000 answers on Quora, I need more hobbies
Do I have to use my real name on Quora?
What is Quora's ‘real names’ policy?
What is Quora's ‘real names’ policy?
Yes, unless you don’t.
Yeah, there are a number of people with obviously fake names and Quora doesn’t seem to care.
We have a profile with the name of a fictional character, a picture that matches the character, and a profile description that matches the character. But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence and this is totally their real name, right?
Yeah, seems legit. (sorry guys I searched for some easy examples I remembered seeing and they happened to be you two)
Sometimes Quora just doesn’t care, other times it does. Maybe it just depends on who is on duty. But you know what? It really doesn’t matter. I show these two as specific examples but in reality I put as much stock in their name as I do the name of any other person on Quora that I don’t know in real life.
I could put John Brown as my profile name and no one would question it. The only time anyone will notice is if you put something obvious down like Blue Milk 1993 as your Quora name.
I still think Quora should allow people to use whatever name they feel like while simultaneously getting rid of the anonymous posting option. It would allow people to post embarrassing or damaging questions/answers without tying their names to it. On the other hand, there would still be a consistent name attached to each post. We could block the consistent trolls without them just being able to go anonymous to get around it. For bonus points, require that each Quora account be tied to an email or social media account that requires authentication using a real phone number. It’s far from perfect but I bet those two steps will cut down on a large amount of low-quality material on Quora.
Sofie Duun, Full time Bipolar & ADD
Been unsure if i should delete my long emotional complaint here. But I will leave it up with the most important message in the top
If this is just a bot message, thank god you don’t have people working as moderators with that little empathy. Bad thing is, that mean a simple bot message you send out, can trigger some traumatic event that have happened and people that has it much worser than me, that cant go take some medicine to calm down, or are not near any emotional stage where they can deal with this other than self harm. This is wrong. dangerous. and goes against all the feeling i thought and seen this site is about.
—Warning - emotional rant below —
Let me start with my TL; DR from my very first answer. It was meant for fun, but apparently needed Anonymous Quora moderators/ bots.
TL; DR Even when I started with a spoiler, and created a cool term “fast past mode”?There is no hope for you :
Link to first answer: Sofie Duun's answer to As a female gamer, what are your experiences with sexism?
I got told to put back my surname that was the very first thing i removed as soon as i joined Quora!
So it didn’t take me long to figure out what real name Quora were asking for
Im still Sofie, I’m still a human being, I would at the very least just like to be one of the millions of Sofie's in the world. YOU should search a bit more THAN only my first edit before you do a lot of damage. I have spilled my heart out here, felt useful, read and heard useful things, this is the first place i felt comfortable having my first name related to what I do/ write!
If you cared enough, you would have looked at at least my first edit followed by my first answer. You could have looked at what I know about and THEN you could come with the conclusion. am i not using my full name for a good reason or a bad reason. Here is the answer “I am using PART of my name I feel comfortable with!”
Here is some highlights from my first answer, that was about SE><1SM GAMING / ONLINE.
Me joining Quora: Facebook or Google? I don't use Facebook, so I did Google, then I get nervous because my name is here, and when I changed it, it shows my previous name in Edit. I instantly started searching if my changes were public, seemed so. I'm quite happy about my name, but this made me notice how much damage the experiences with sexism in gaming/online have caused.
Fast past mode: Bad experience with the first boyfriend, getting diagnosed with Bipolar, big sister comes visit and introduce me to World of Warcraft.
Some of the last lines i stated:
I am amazed by all the well educated, constructive conversations that is on Quora, which inspired me in first place to actually speak my mind, and have a healthy hopefully learnful experience. I wish i could educate further, but my bipolar got a super bad situation sense, and jumped out when i was 17.
And here is a new highlight for you Quora, I am hurt, you just reminded me that no place is safe to express yourself, should i delete all my posts now?
Should i leave them up and never look back?
Should i leave them up and never look back?
All im asking now is a response, a sincere apology. And give me RIGHTS to just be Sofie here. I can go back to kiticat46 or whatever other names we (the victims, damaged, weak) make on other forums… is that better? you were too quick to just look at my name edit. Cant you see there is insanity all over my page? I wanna help people, but u know what? I need help too, and this page help/helped me… guess i go take my relaxing pill now and try calm down over this..
It doesnt take a genius to figure out something bad have happend along the way, do you want me to type that in big letters on my page too?
It is so sad im sitting here editing, trying to make my text shorter.. so maybe.. maybe i can get a sorry.. and keep that little hope i felt inside, that people in my situation got a place in the world, to be useful.
Thursday, when I joined Quora, was the first time I could see a future for me, where i could help people telling my stories. That I’m not useless unless i can work in the society. Please don’t take this hope away from me.
Tawnie Rose, Host at Applebee's (2016-present)
So I have a few problems with this rule.
- If you can go anonymous why cant you use a fake name or title? I understand for buisness stand point but seriously you are going to block people for wanting to stay private?
- That leads into my next problem. I don’t want people to know my real name at all. I want to be able to follow people on here but I dont want my name shown. I have always been told never to give out personal info out online. Well signing up for stuff you break that rule but I always try to keep my name private. People can use that against you and that has happened to me before. I like my privacy and I want to control who knows what about me. Why do people on this app need to know my name? Why not use a fake name that looks real?
- Lets segway into the next concern. You can report any name even if its real. Quara really has bo way of knowing thats your real name or not but what if someone reports you? Are you going to get banned because your name does not look real enough? Make sure you ise proper capitalization as well but I have seen some weird last names with funky capitalization; are those people going to get in trouble?
- A person i am following gets ban because of this I cant see their content. I follow people for a reason. It means I want to see how they answer things but if they get blocked because of this stupid rule then I can see it anymore. I get it they cant edit things but why can’t I see what they wrote before the ban.
- Quora is actively enforcing this rule to the point of harassment. Either some people who get reported about their name and dont check it or they apply this rule way to hard. I know a few people who have gotten banned a few times because of this rule. They even spoke to Quora and they unblocked them after they explained things but two days later they get blocked again. They change their name and they were unblocked yet a few days later they were blocked again for the name thing. Seriously get your act together.
Forcing people to use their real name is not a user friendly app. And who ever said “your words hold no meaning if we don’t know who you are” is totally wrong. You see inspirational quotes all the time and you dont know where it came from. Our words hold meaning and I dont need a name to tell me that.
Loretta B DeLoggio, Figuring out rules, whether Monopoly, Quora, or Federal law.
Originally Answered: Why does Quora insist on real names?
Quora does not insist on real names – or if it does, it doesn’t do much by way of enforcing it; Samuel Clemens certainly was a real person, but this person seems to be making a bit of fun of the name.
There are a number of names like that, which could conceivably have been given to a person by a particularly fannish parent, or adopted by a person as a nickname; but there are several that I have thought were made up.
Even if you use your real name, you’re allowed to “go anonymous” in either asking or answering a question. As I look at my own name above this answer, one of the options printed below it is “go anonymous”.
But Quora is trying very hard to be a serious discussion board, and if Robert Frost were not employed in the space program, or if Andrew Weill were not a tax lawyer, and if these things were not verifiable with relative ease, there could be a lot of dispute. It might matter to someone whether I really was the Loretta DeLoggio who sued Temple Law school on a gay rights case in 1982. (Loretta DeLoggio is actually a unique name, probably in the United States and the world, for reasons having to do with misspellings of Italian names when entering the United States, so anytime I see someone else using the name, I contact the administrators and have them stricken from the record. I get myself into fully enough trouble without needing any help whatsoever.)
There are a number of common names that do repeat, and when I’m trying to link to that person, I try very hard to match the profile picture, which is why I wish Quora would insist on some identifying logo if not an actual photograph of the person.
Virtue Evans, I basically live on Quora, because cool people are here!
Originally Answered: Why do you have to use your real name on Quora?
…because it’s a Quora Policy? Like, there’s no higher reason than that, I’m sorry to say, but it’s not necessarily as stringent as people like to interpret it to be, and here’s why:
Virtue Evans is my real name. Not my legal name, but the name I use for everything from Facebook to job applications. I use this name everywhere, and you can be certain that when it shows up on Quora, I’m the one behind it. Which is why I am hesitant to post on certain questions because of how angry they make me, since this name can be found by any employer using Google.
Back to the point: you have to use your real name because Quora said so, and because it gives you more credibility and culpability, since it can be tied to you elsewhere. However, the word “real” has a degree of ambiguity to it, since it can both imply “legal” name or “most-used” name. Given my bosses, family, boyfriend, and friends all call me Virtue, this is my “real” name as far as I’m concerned, and I doubt anyone would argue that point.
Counterpoint for those willing to argue the point: If I were to use my legal name, so long as I did nothing illegal, I could theoretically do whatever I pleased (within reason) without being able to be held responsible for my behaviour later. It would basically be like being Anonymous, but instead with a real name that doesn’t mean anything or reference anyone.
Short version: Quora’s “Real Name” policy is in place to ensure the reliability of the answers and to hold accountable those answering, both when acting properly and acting improperly. However, “real” doesn’t necessarily mean “legal”, and if you are better known by a name that isn’t your legal first-and-last name combination, it’s safe to say you can use the alternate. Ashton Kutcher does, even though his first name is Christopher.
Otherwise, if you’re only known by your legal name, use it. The policy is in place to make Quora a decent place to be.
Robert Frost, Quora Top Writer 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018
Originally Answered: Why do you have to use your real name on Quora?
The primary feature of Quora that distinguishes it from competition like Yahoo! Answers is that Quora has chosen to create a system through which people can ask questions of people that are experts in a field or experienced in a topic. In order for people to trust that the people answering questions really are credible sources, the people answering need to identify themselves.
Because of the real names policy, when you ask David S. Rose a question about Angel Investing, you can be confident that the answer is really coming from the author of “Angel Investing”, a person that has funded over 100 startups, and the founder of New York Angels. When you ask Richard Muller a question about physics, you can be confident that your answer is really coming from a professor of physics at UC Berkeley and the author of “Now, The Physics of Time”. When you ask Adriana Heguy a question about genetics, you can be confident that the answer is really coming from the Director of the NYUMC Genome Technology Center and Professor of Pathology. When you have a question about the contemporary history of India, you can direct yourself to the Balaji Viswanathan (பாலாஜி விஸ்வநாதன்), the author of “From Tryst to Tendulkar”.
If the question answerers didn’t use their real names, Quora would be about as useful as a grave robber in a crematorium. It would be the same type of useless trash filled site that Yahoo! Answers is.
Andrew LaCombe, studied The Arts & Music at The High School Experience (2019)
Hey I am disgusted that this policy exists. See I was born male but later in life found out I was completely dysphoric about this fact about myself. I begn my trans process only last year starting with a name change from Andrew to Aleia, a decision I am most proud of. My Birth name is a constand reminder of my Gender Dysohoria. I felt safe and happy and Quora and used my female name as my full name because it’s what I am most comfortable with. However it appears that does not fly with Quora which is greatly upsetting, the only thing that could déteste me more, is if I am still blocked even afer changing my name to my proper birth name. If my actual birth name is not good enough to be a verified name I will be extremely upset and will refuse to set foot on Quora again. I love this community but this is a gross situation going on in the underbelly of it’s system. It is heavily exclusive to those who wish to feel safe, uncomfortable in their own skin, or those who hate their name. I hope this changes soon. I agree if an account wishes to be verified a birh name makes sense but until then, I find it fair for unverified accounts to not have this forced on them, I feel like a sore thumb now and uncomfortable because Quora views my Female name as unverified.
Galano Han, Quora told me to use my real name, here's mine. A real name given by my parents.
My previous Quora name was Valter, then I was banned for using in unverified name in the profile, a real name is required. According to:
Names in non-Latin alphabet languages:Quora is currently available in English only. Characters and letters that are not part of the Latin alphabetare allowed in user names in parentheses, if a Latin alphabet-name precedes the parenthetical. Example: Mikhail Gorbachev (Михаи́л Серге́евич Горбачёв), Hu Jintao (胡锦涛).
I am from China, a Chinese. Quora said I must use my real name, but my real name, the legitimate name is 韩峰岩, which is printed on my ID card of PRC (I have to use it's full English name and it's real name, in case you said it's an invalid country or a Utopia, People's Republic of China, its real name is: 中华人民共和国 or abbreviated as 中国) . That's the only real name I have, given by my parents.
Now that Quora requires users whose real name are in nonlatin languages to use something like the examples right above, then my question is, is that a real name for them? Then what about those millions of Chinese users, did any of them use their English name plus Chinese real name as their name? Prove it, please.
Or, a Chinese uses an English, say, Stalin Zhuge, do you think it a real name for you? Then what's the difference between an English name and a nickname? I'm confused.
Before you answer me, I'll stick with my real, legitimate name which is printed on my ID card.
Simon Chatzigiannis, 2000+ answers, 1300+ questions, 2000+ followers
Originally Answered: Why do you have to use your real name on Quora?
You have to because Quora requires it - although aliases are ok as far as I know. But here is a main argument about those who think that people should put their name because they are experts:
- Not everyone is an official expert in a subject
- People take shots at questions which they are not necessarily experts at
- Experts don’t always answer in their field of expertise
Another important point is that the answer determines the level of expertise. If you can write a great answer, I don’t care if your name is Albert Einstein or Casper the ghost.
Actually most people haven’t verified their profile anyway, and even if they seem to be who they claim they are.
I personally sofar never had to seek a person from Quora on the internet or elsewhere to verify if they are who they say they are.
As long as you share useful information and you can write a good answer, I don’t care if you use a real name or an alias, nor do I care that much who YOU ARE. I care for what you have to say.
From there on it may benefit the individual to use their real name if they want to be more popular in real life or outside of Quora.
Thomas L. Johnson, Quora was once my crystal meth.
Originally Answered: When is a name on Quora considered a "Fake Name?"
When I posed this question, I was looking for a clearer definition than I seem to be getting.
Thomas L. Johnson is truly my real name, but I began on Quora as Thomas Johnson until another Thomas Johnson became active.
In my real life, I am called Tom Johnson, and I assume that would be my real name if I chose to use it. If I were not a 70 year old Yankee, I might even call myself Tommy Johnson; also probably kosher.
There are some Quorans who use initials, so I expect that T.L. Johnson would work. I sometimes use the deliberately fake name Teal Johnson on direct mail solicitations. If I had only one Quora account and did it under that name, would it be a reportable offense?
How about just plain T. Johnson? Johnson?
I have French friends who often disguise their last name by leaving out key letters. Would Thomas Jn. be a fake name?
I have published a number of short stories and other literary pieces (probably 40–50 in all) under the name Tom Brand. Fake name?
How about if I were living in a nation like Bangladesh where writers expressing certain opinions were subject to attack by religious fundamentalists?
Rand Knight, BSc Computer Science Education, Massey University (1996)
Originally Answered: Why are we forced to use our real name on Quora?
Like every free social site, you’re not the customer, you’re the product.
The product has a higher value when it’s associated with your real name. They’ll (either now or in future) will sell your personal details to an aggregator who will get your details from other sites and build a model of you, what you buy, what your political leanings are, you sexual orientation, and the actual customers will buy your details and work out how to manipulate you - whether it be to vote for a particular candidate or to buy a particular car or to join a particular gym.
The tech is still in it’s infancy, and still very scattershot as to it’s success, but as the amount of personal data that people post increases, they’ll be able to work out exactly what switches they need to press to influence your thinking.
And there’s pretty much nothing you can do about it unless you want to cut yourself off from all your friends and anything social people organize on the internet.
David Thomas, former Actor, Musician & Psychotherapist (1959-2009)
Originally Answered: When is a name on Quora considered a "Fake Name?"
When is a name on Quora considered a "Fake Name?"
Please ignore references to “legal names”, in the UK we are entitled to use any name we choose, unless it is used for fraudulent purposes, no LEGAL formalities are required to even change our names*. This might be different in other countries.
I am far better known by another name, but Quora won’t allow me to use it, I had to change my name to another to join British Equity (the actors union) They will not allow two members to use the same name, no legal formalities required even the tax authorities had no issue with it. No problem for me but absurd that I was compelled to use the name on my birth certificate, which none of my friends or neighbours know me by.
*Some people do change their name by “deed poll” it’s just a way of giving lawyers a good living - the law in the UK does not make it essential or even advisable.
Jack Fraser, used Quora since October 2015, TW 2017
Originally Answered: Why should we use real names in Quora?
Reason the first:
It's the rules
You agreed to do it when you signed up. It's in the Terms of Service, which you said you read and agreed to.
Quora explicitly states that failure to use your real name is a violation of policy, and something they take seriously.
Reason the second
It's how we know to trust authors - it adds legitimacy
Let's say you ask a physics question.
Would you rather get an answer from Astroboy 545 — or from Richard A. Muller, who you can Google and see that his opinions on climate change are based on years of research?
Or if you ask a question about Pixar - would you prefer to get an answer from DoryFan2999xxx, or from a bloke called Craig Good, who has his own page on the Pixar wiki, which states he worked for Pixar between 1986 and 2013?
Real names means real expertise - that you can check on. Sure, we're not all global experts on stuff - but the principle remains the same. Hiding behind a vague username detracts from the knowledge that you might be sharing.
A lack of real names basically turns Quora into the hellhole that is Yahoo Answers.
Quora is something else (something far better and more useful!), and the real name policy helps ensure that.
Ruthvik Wadhwa, spectating & analyzing various global issues
Yes, and many people learn that the hard way.
There have been numerous accounts that have been blocked, banned, suspended or even denied from being accessed, especially if the Quora Moderation notices behaviors involving trolling or providing opinions in a disrespectful or abusive manner. Although the main reason why someone generally receives this “policy block” on their account, is because someone from the community has flagged or reported the account. This generally happens if one continuously keeps trolling or being abusive, but can ALSO happen to those who provide unpopular opinions in contrast to the dominant viewpoints of the community.
See, politics is everywhere. And Quora tries its best to remain neutral, equal and just towards all. But many people misuse Quora’s policy guidelines to unnecessarily flag, report or block someone’s opposing views from rising up and providing appreciable opposition to their dominant views. I personally feel that as long as one’s opinions are civil, respectful and not abusive, no one has the ethical right to report or tarnish somebody else. But this is not possible in real life, as tribalistic politics ensure that others don’t come up to change the status quo. So, its better to use one’s real name, not be trollish, never use abusive or threatening language, and have civilized and well-mannered discussions, regardless of their points of view.
Ankita Anshul, CEO/ Founder at iInvest Accelerators (2011-present)
After reading Purna Raheja comments below I realized Quora had really mistakingly blocked Nilesh Kamath under their real name policy. It is rather sad that Trolls can have a field day by just reporting anybody and on any grounds and keep them from interacting on Quora.
If this can happen to a person of Kayenn’s stature it can happen to anybody. Trolls are ruling the roost on Quora not sure if its even safe to have yourself identified on Quora anymore.
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Obrolan yang baik bukan hanya sebuah obrolan yang mengkritik saja, tetapi juga memberi saran dan dimana saran dan kritik tersebut terulas kekurangan dan kelebihan dari saran dan kritik.